
a way to manage local caches for small images.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a way to manage browser local caches for small images.

just recommand to cache small images(default: 15k), prefer webp formatted.

if you had practiced PWA, you must known that it intercept requests and store resources to cacheStorage to make our app so fast like native app nearly; in a progressive way, we can make full use of browser's storage capability, eg: localStorage、IndexDb; this time, let's store some small images to our browser storage, you will see how fast it's;


  • Install
yarn add local-cache-small-image
// or
npm i local-cache-small-image
  • Option

    • maxSize: image's max size;
    • maxNum: max number can be stored;
    • expireTime: how long stored;
    • keyPrefix: stored key prefix;
    • useLRU: whether to use LRU algorithm;
  • API

    • resolve: (id, src) => Promise
    • resolveAll: [] => Promise
  • Example

import LocalImgResolver from 'local-cache-small-image';

const option = {
  // maxSize: 15 * 1024,
  // maxNum: 30,
  // expireTime: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
  // keyPrefix: 'local_cached_img_key_'
  // useLRU: false
const localImgResolver = new LocalImgResolver(option);
let img;

.resolve('uniqId', 'your image src')
.then(({id, src, base64}) => {
  img = base64 || src;

when you use localImgResolver.resolve(id, src), it return a Promise, I try to find a cached base64, if success, resolve it, or, use this src to download the image's blob and then save it as base64, and resolve it;

there is a simple LRU algorithm supported for you if you have too many local imgs to manage;


  • maybe IndexDB