fan87's NeoVim Configiuration

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Key features

  • Not making it another VSCode
  • Lightweight
  • Minimal shortcut changes from Vanilla vim

Non Vanilla Keybinds

  • <Space>p - Find by name

  • <Space>f - Find in files

  • <Space>nt - Toggle NERDTree

  • <Space>e - Toggle Harpoon Menu

  • <Space>a - Add file to harpoon

  • <Space>1 ~ <Space>9 - Jump to harpoon tab 1 ~ 9

  • Visual Mode, J - Move selection line up

  • Visual Mode, K - Move selection line down

  • For Auto Complete keys, check lsp.lua

  • And everything in


  • :lua vim.notify("Hello, World!") - nvim-notify
  • :Mason - Shows the mason menu
  • :PackerSync - Sync packer