
Applicability with Omni-C?

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SamCT commented


EndHiC requires HiC-Pro outputs. And HiC-Pro inputs require a bed file with all restriction cut sites in a given genome. As it stands, it is not possible to use HiC-Pro outputs since by definition Omni-C does not have any restriction sites.

Is there an approach to use EndHiC with Omni-C data I am not considering?

Thank you,

LHG-GG commented

@fanagislab Hi. I am also working with OmniC data and interested to evaluate EndHiC. As you mentioned

You can calcualte the Hi-C link number for each bin in all the contigs by yourself. EndHiC just need this matrix data as input.

Could you help on how to generate this matrix? Thank you

We've been trying it with Omni-C and have promising results.
Starting with the L1.mapped.pairs file as generated following Dovetail instructions you can do this (hicexplorer v3.7.3 needed):

source activate hicexplorer

bgzip L1.mapped.pairs
pairix L1.mapped.pairs.gz

cooler cload pairix -p 16 ref.genome:100000 L1.mapped.pairs.gz

hicConvertFormat --matrices --outFileName L1.mapped.pairs.100000.hicpro --inputFormat cool --outputFormat hicpro --bedFileHicpro L1.mapped.pairs.100000.hicpro.bed

hicConvertFormat --matrices --outFileName L1.mapped.pairs.100000.h5 --inputFormat cool --outputFormat h5

hicCorrectMatrix diagnostic_plot --matrix L1.mapped.pairs.100000.h5 -o file.png

hicCorrectMatrix correct --matrix L1.mapped.pairs.100000.h5 --filterThreshold -3 3 --correctionMethod ICE --outFileName L1.mapped.pairs.100000.ICE.h5

cp L1.mapped.pairs.100000.hicpro.bed L1.mapped.pairs.100000.hicpro.copy.bed

hicConvertFormat --matrices L1.mapped.pairs.100000.ICE.h5 --outFileName L1.mapped.pairs.100000.hicpro.ICE --inputFormat h5 --outputFormat hicpro --bedFileHicpro L1.mapped.pairs.100000.hicpro.bed

#Renaming is needed for the files to be read properly

mv L1.mapped.pairs.100000.hicpro.ICE BraHiC_100000_iced.matrix
mv L1.mapped.pairs.100000.hicpro BraHiC_100000.matrix
mv L1.mapped.pairs.100000.hicpro.bed BraHiC_100000_abs.bed