- 4
add attendace over api
#225 opened by NirajRegmi - 2
Unsecured Connection
#231 opened by iamB0rgy - 0
TCP packet invalid
#230 opened by Mayenc - 2
Get the door lock state
#229 opened by macnam216 - 8
How to upload finger data to a user
#227 opened by Automatorbd - 0
ERROR: Failed building wheel for thriftpy2
#228 opened by MianAshfaq - 8
Encoding Issue with Date Handling in pyzk Package
#221 opened by TisSanal - 2
- 5
- 0
cant connect to zkeco k80
#220 opened by medmidou95 - 1
How to fix the ID of a registered user?
#210 opened by musahcoding - 2
Adding a User with Persian Name in pyzk
#190 opened by Haghghii - 0
Change datatype to be packed at delete_user.
#219 opened by core-burner - 2
get_users() function isnt working with WL20 machine
#215 opened by Redolvo - 1
ZKTeco K40 attendance device timeout
#217 opened by KristianLGeorgiev - 2
how to get user image
#216 opened by tanakit1812 - 1
Import or Upload Attendance dat file into device
#214 opened by tekashifuta - 3
Add RFID card number to zkteco user
#213 opened by nacer2015 - 2
how to identify
#212 opened by zamanwebhunters - 3
Corrupted and wrong data on MB560-VL
#187 opened by yassine-fy94 - 1
Increase the limit on the ID of the users
#209 opened by musahcoding - 4
Enroll User Face
#206 opened by abhimal - 3
Changing Cloud Settings
#208 opened by saydfuad - 1
Capture Live events from multiple devices
#207 opened by Zaeem6100 - 3
how to enroll face of user in pyzk
#205 opened by abhimal - 6
Remote face registration as like finger print
#203 opened by ayazmhmd - 5
- 1
#202 opened by yassine-fy94 - 2
New version
#199 opened by Fares-Abubaker - 6
#197 opened by HCWcoder - 2
suggestion... get_attendance(date range)
#198 opened by shadow046 - 1
Connection timeout while trying to connect.
#196 opened by Kavan72 - 5
- 1
How can I set up the URL and PORT for my ZKTeco attendance machine to be able to POST data to the server?
#193 opened by huynq55 - 1
Are templates encrypted?
#192 opened by yhyan96 - 2
ZKTeco software affect this library??
#184 opened by PythonArity - 3
- 2
Adding a User with Persian Name in pyzk
#189 opened by Haghghii - 1
- 2
Get addition data
#186 opened by asmpro7 - 0
Zkteco C3-400
#185 opened by stepsolar - 1
get and send face id information of user via socket
#183 opened by kkakajan - 2
[QUESTION] Can 2 different machine with different Finger algorithm can upload finger template from one to another
#182 opened by duong77476-viindoo - 2
user enabled flag
#179 opened by hungerburg - 8
connect with fingerprint device using vpn
#178 opened by MohamedElnagar94 - 6
[QUESTION] GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant when communicate between zkteco device and 3rd party software
#177 opened by duong77476-viindoo - 1
please get face detect
#176 opened by xcarlx - 2
get_attendance shows error on xFace600
#175 opened by jasoniem9246 - 1
PROBLEMA RESUELTO: Error en la lectura de asistencias a partir del segundo registro MODELO MB560-VL
#174 opened by EduardoTorrel - 6
Download Finger Print data error
#172 opened by nguyenthao1988