This is a library for making input validation, like the Laravel input validator does. Aiming to replicate the Laravel version but written in Typescript.
pnpm i ts-input-validator
import { Validator } from "ts-input-validator"
import type { validateType, finalValidationResult } from "ts-input-validator"
// data property is the input to validate
// key is the key to map the result with
// rules is the set of rules to apply, see Available Rules.
// you can directly apply the message when fails, by giving each rule with message.
// or you can override every default message, see Validation Setup.
const toValidate: validateType[] = [
{ data: '', key: 'email', rules: ['required', 'email','min:8'], message: { 'required': 'value must not be empty' } },
{ data: 'p@$$w0Rd', key: 'password', rules: 'required|password|min:8|max:20' },
{ data: 28, key: 'age', rules: 'required|number' },
{ data: 'fishing', key: 'hobby', rules: 'required|string', },
{ data: '12-12-2022', key: 'birth_date', rules: 'required|date', message: { date: 'value must be a valid birth date' } },
{ data: '5fcb09a4-f5cc-46ef-aa76-8d185e6490ab', key: 'uuid', rules: ['required', 'uuid'] },
{ data: 123.45, key: 'hutang', rules: ['required', 'decimal:2'] },
{ data: 200_000_000, key: 'gaji', rules: ['required', 'integer'] },
// failed or the first item is boolean value, indicating the result fails (if value is true) or success (if value is false).
// result or the second item is object that cotains the validation message if validation is not success, keyed by given validation key
const [ failed, result ]: finalValidationResult = Validator.validate(toValidate)
if(failed) {
return result // show the validation error message to the user
// validation is succeed, no input fails the validation. Continue the process
- value under the validation must be filled, not nully value
- value under the validation must be numeric, usage:
- value under the validation must be numeric, usage:
- value under the validation must be numeric, usage:
- value under the validation must be numeric, usage:
- value under the validation must be a valid email
- value under the validation must be a number, not string like number
- value under the validation must be a valid password
- value under the validation must be a string
- value under the validation must be either one of: "yes", "on", "true", true, 1
- value under the validation must be either one of: "off", "false", false, 0
- value under the validation must be either one of: true, false, 1, 0
- value under the validation must be a valid date by constructing
new Date()
- value under the validation must be a valid date by constructing
- value under the validation must be a valid uuid v4
- value under the validation must be a number with valid given decimal value, usage
- value under the validation must be a number with valid given decimal value, usage
- value under the validation must be an integer, not negative, no decimal, and is finite
- value under the validation must be a valid date by constructing
new Date()
that the value is greater than param, usage:after:12-12-2024
- value under the validation must be a valid date by constructing
- value under the validation must be a valid date by constructing
new Date()
that the value is smaller than param, usage:before:12-12-2024
- value under the validation must be a valid date by constructing
- value under the validation must be a valid date by constructing
new Date()
that the value is greater or equal than param, usage:afterOrEqual:12-12-2024
- value under the validation must be a valid date by constructing
- value under the validation must be a valid date by constructing
new Date()
that the value is smaller or equal than param, usage:beforeOrEqual:12-12-2024
- value under the validation must be a valid date by constructing
- value under the validation must be a valid string or number that the length is grater than param, usage:
- value under the validation must be a valid string or number that the length is grater than param, usage:
- value under the validation must be a valid string or number that the length is smaller than param, usage:
- value under the validation must be a valid string or number that the length is smaller than param, usage:
- value under the validation must be a valid alpa character by testing regex /^[A-Za-z]+$/
- value under the validation must be a alpha numeric character by testing regex /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/
- value under the validation must be a valid url
- value under the validation must be a valid array
- value under the validation must be a valid object
- value under the validation must identical to param, usage:
- value under the validation must identical to param, usage:
- value under the validation must not identical to param, usage:
- value under the validation must not identical to param, usage:
- value under the validation must be a valid item of an array or string, usage:
notIn:'["element1", "element2", "element3"]'
- value under the validation must be a valid item of an array or string, usage:
- value under the validation must not exist as an item of an array or string, usage:
notIn:'["element1", "element2", "element3"]'
- value under the validation must not exist as an item of an array or string, usage:
- value under the validation must pass the given regex, usage:
- value under the validation must pass the given regex, usage:
- value under the validation must be a valid date ( validated by constructing
new Date()
) between 2 date, separated by comma (,). usage:dateBetween:01-01-2024,02-02-2024
- value under the validation must be a valid date ( validated by constructing
- value under the validation must be a valid number between 2 number, separated by comma (,). usage:
- value under the validation must be a valid number between 2 number, separated by comma (,). usage:
You can override the validation settings, like override all default validation message, returning back the data that validated. see below type:
type validatorSetup = {
dataInResult?: boolean
returnInvalidOnly?: boolean
setMessage?: ValidationMessage
usage of this:
import type { ValidationMessage } from "ts-input-validator"
// make your custom validation message
// below contains all of the default validation message, you can customize it like you want.
// NOTE:
// - :attr will be replaced to the given validation key
// - validation value like :min will be replaced by the value
const customValidationMessage: ValidationMessage = {
string: ':attr must be a valid string',
number: ':attr must be a valid number',
boolean: ':attr must be a valid boolean',
required: ':attr field is required',
min: ':attr must be greater than :min',
max: ':attr must be less than :max',
email: ':attr must be a valid email',
password: ':attr must be a valid password',
accepted: ':attr must be accepted',
declined: ':attr must be rejected',
date: ':attr must be a valid date',
uuid: ':attr must be a valid uuid version 4',
decimal: ':attr must be a valid decimal with :decimal digit',
integer: ':attr must be a valid integer, larger than 0, no decimal, and not infinite',
after: ':attr must be greater than :after',
afterOrEqual: ':attr must be greater or equal to :after',
before: ':attr must be less than :before',
beforeOrEqual: ':attr must be less than or equal to :before',
minDigit: ':attr must have a minimum of :min_digit digits',
maxDigit: ':attr must have a maximum of :max_digit digits',
alpha: ':attr must contain only alphabetic characters',
alphaNumeric: ':attr must contain only alphanumeric characters',
url: ':attr must be a valid URL',
array: ':attr must be an array',
object: ':attr must be an object',
equalTo: ':attr must be equal to :equalTo',
notEqualTo: ':attr must not be equal to :notEqualTo',
in: ':attr must be one of the following values: :in',
notIn: ':attr must not be one of the following values: :notIn',
regex: ':attr must match the pattern :regex',
dateBetween: ':attr must match the date between :dateBetween',
numberBetween: ':attr must match the number between :numberBetween'
const [ failed, result ]: finalValidationResult = Validator.setup({
dataInResult: false, // true if you want to get the validated data, default false
returnInvalidOnly: true, // return the result that fails only, default true
setMessage: customValidationMessage // override all the default validation message