
Example Scala code showing processing of JSON repo data from Github

Primary LanguageScala


Example Scala code showing processing of JSON repo data from Github


  1. Take a single argument specifying the search term, and error out if one is not provided
  2. Using the Github API as a starting point, find all the repositories that have a description containing the given search term as a full phrase (not just the words individually). To avoid hitting the API rate limit, you should only load up to 1000 results.
  3. Filter out any repos with an empty "language" (null or empty String)
  4. Group the remaining list of repos by "language", and count the number of occurrences for each
  5. Sort the languages by occurrence descending
  6. Output a line for each result, in the {language}: {count} format
  7. After the results, on a separate line, output the total number of search results in the format: => {total_count} total result(s) found


Using play-ws-standalone and play-ws-standalone-json

To run

sbt "run xslt" or some such