
Example of http4s server with various endpoints

Primary LanguageScala


Example of http4s server with various endpoints

To run sbt run or you can use sbt-revolver with sbt ~reStart


http://localhost:8080/greet => json

http://localhost:8080/hello/{name} => text

http://localhost:8080/hello?name= => text

http://localhost:8080/literal => json

http://localhost:8080/gzip => lots of gzipped text

http://localhost:8080/mystream => an endless chunked stream

http://localhost:8080/fs/hello.txt => static text from classpath

http://localhost:8080/fs/form.html => HTML Form, which takes username and handles it via UrlForm

POST with some payload, you should get it back(use postman or similar)

http://localhost:8080/echo => Whatever you sent

http://localhost:8080/random => a random digit

http://localhost:8080/counter => incrementing digit (hacky)

http://localhost:8080/counter2 => incrementing digit (Better, with Ref)

http://localhost:8080/slow => sleeps for 4 seconds

(Client examples)

Calling our own endpoints

Talking to external web service https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/

Talking to OpenAI Dall-E

(To use it you'll have to fill in your OpenAI OPENAI_API_KEY in the Environment)