
Odoo load testing using Locust and openerplib

Primary LanguagePython


An Odoo load testing solution, using odoolib and Locust



To load test Odoo, you create tasks sets like you'll have done it with Locust:

from locust import task, TaskSet

class SellerTaskSet(TaskSet):
    def read_partners(self):
        cust_model = self.client.get_model('res.partner')
        cust_ids = cust_model.search([])
        prtns = cust_model.read(cust_ids)
    def read_products(self):
        prod_model = self.client.get_model('product.product')
        ids = prod_model.search([])
        prods = prod_model.read(ids)
    def create_so(self):
        prod_model = self.client.get_model('product.product')
        cust_model = self.client.get_model('res.partner')
        so_model = self.client.get_model('sale.order')
        cust_id = cust_model.search([('name', 'ilike', 'fletch')])[0]
        prod_ids = prod_model.search([('name', 'ilike', 'ipad')])
        order_id = so_model.create({
            'partner_id': cust_id,
            'order_line': [(0,0,{'product_id': prod_ids[0], 
                           (0,0,{'product_id': prod_ids[1], 

then you create a profile, based on your taskset, which use OdooLocust instead of Locust:

from OdooLocust import OdooLocust
from SellerTaskSet import SellerTaskSet

class Seller(OdooLocust.OdooLocust):
    host = ""
    database = "test_db"
    min_wait = 100
    max_wait = 1000
    weight = 3
    tasks = [ SellerTaskSet ]

and you finally run your locust tests the usual way:

locust -f my_file.py Seller

Generic test

This version is shipped with a generic TaskSet task, OdooTaskSet, and a TaskSet which randomly click on menu items, OdooGenericTaskSet. To use this version, create this simple test file:

from OdooLocust import OdooLocust
from OdooLocust import OdooTaskSet

class Generic(OdooLocust.OdooLocust):
    host = ""
    database = "testdb"
    min_wait = 100
    max_wait = 1000
    weight = 3
    task_set = OdooTaskSet.OdooGenericTaskSet

and you finally run your locust tests the usual way:

locust -f my_file.py Generic