Angela Yu's 100 Days of Python Udemy Course
- Beginner - Days 001 - 014
- Intermediate - Days 015 - 031
- Intermediate+ - Days 032 - 058
- Advanced - Days 059 - 081
- Professional - Days 082 - 100
- Day 001 - Printing, Commenting, Debugging, String Manupulation and Variables
- Day 002 - Data Types, Numbers, Operations, Type Conversions, f-Strings
- Day 003 - Conditional Statements, Logical Operators, Code Blocks and Scope
- Day 004 - Randomization and Python Lists
- Day 005 - For Loops, Range and Code Blocks
- Day 006 - Functions, Code Blocks and While Loops
- Day 007 - Hangman Project
- Day 008 - Functions with Input
- Day 009 - Dictionaries and Nesting
- Day 010 - Function with Outputs
- Day 011 - Blackjack Capstone Project
- Day 012 - Scope and Number Guessing Game
- Day 013 - Debugging
- Day 014 - Higher or Lower Game Project
- Day 015 - Setup Local Development Environment & Coffee Machine Project
- Day 016 - Object Oriented Programming
- Day 017 - Creating Classes
- Day 018 - Turtle Graphics, Tuples and Importing Modules
- Day 019 - More Turtle Graphics, Event Listeners, State and Multiple Instances
- Day 020 - Building the famous Snake Game
- Day 021 - Inheritance, Slicing and finishing the Snake Game
- Day 022 - The Pong Game
- Day 023 - Capstone Project - Turtle Crossing Game
- Day 024 - Working with Local Files and Directories
- Day 025 - Working with CSV Files and Analyzing Data with Pandas
- Day 026 - List and Dictionary Comprehension
- Day 027 - Graphical User Interfaces with Tkinter and Function Arguments
- Day 028 - Building a Pomodoro App
- Day 029 - Building a Password Manager
- Day 030 - Errors, Exceptions and Saving JSON Data
- Day 031 - Capstone Project - Flash Card Program
- Day 032 - Email SMTP and the Datetime Module
- Day 033 - Application Programming Interface
- Day 034 - The Trivia API and The Quizzler App
- Day 035 - API Keys, Authentication, Environment Variables and Sending SMS
- Day 036 - Stock News Monitoring Project
- Day 037 - Advanced Authentication and POST/PUT/DELETE Requests
- Day 038 - Exercise Tracking with Python and Google Sheets
- Day 039 - CAPSTONE Part 1 - Cheap Flight Finder
- Day 040 - CAPSTONE Part 2 - Flight Club
- Day 041 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML
- Day 042 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML
- Day 043 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS
- Day 044 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS
- Day 045 - Scraping the Web with BeautifulSoup
- Day 046 - Musical Time Machine Project
- Day 047 - Amazon Price Tracker Project
- Day 048 - Selenium Webdriver
- Day 049 - Automated Job Applications with Selenium
- Day 050 - Auto Tinder Bot
- Day 051 - Complaining Twitter Bot
- Day 052 - Instagram Follower Bot
- Day 053 - Capstone Project - Data Entry Job Automation
- Day 054 - Command Line, Python Decorators and Web Development with Flask
- Day 055 - Advanced Decorators, Rendering HTML, Parsing URLs and Flask Debugging
- Day 056 - Static Files, HTML/CSS File Rendering and a Personal Site
- Day 057 - URL Building and Templating with Jinja (Flask) & Blog Capstone Project Part 1 - Templating
- Day 058 - Web Foundation - Bootstrap
- Day 059 - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling
- Day 060 - POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms
- Day 061 - Building Advanced Forms using Flask-WTF
- Day 062 - Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap and CSV - Coffee & Wifi Project
- Day 063 - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy
- Day 064 - My Top 10 Movies Website
- Day 065 - Introduction to Web Design
- Day 066 - Build Your Own RESTful API
- Day 067 - Blog Capstone Project Part 3 - RESTful Routing
- Day 068 - Authentication with Flask
- Day 069 - Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Adding Users
- Day 070 - Git and Github - Introducing a Powerful Version Control System (VCS)
- Day 071 - Publishing Our Flask Website
- Day 072 - Data Exploration with Pandas
- Day 073 - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib
- Day 074 - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas
- Day 075 - Resampling and Visualising Time Series
- Day 076 - Beautiful Plotly Charts
- Day 077 - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays
- Day 078 - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn
- Day 079 - More with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn
- Day 080 - t-Tests & Distributions
- Day 081 - Capstone Project - Predict House Prices
- Day 082 - Scripting - Text to Morse Code Converter
- Day 083 - Web development - Portfolio Website
- Day 084 - Scripting - Tic Tac Toe
- Day 085 - GUI - Image Watermarker
- Day 086 - GUI - Typing Speed Test
- Day 087 - Game - Breakout
- Day 088 - Web Development - Cafe and WiFi Website
- Day 089 - Web Development - ToDo List
- Day 090 - GUI - Disappearing Text Writing App
- Day 091 - HTTP Requests & APIs - Convert PDF to Audiobook
- Day 092 - Image Processing & Data Science - Image Colour Palette Generator
- Day 093 - Web Scraping - Custom Web Scraper
- Day 094 - GUI Automation - Automated Google Dinosaur Game
- Day 095 - Game - Space Invader
- Day 096 - HTTP Requests & APIs - Custom API Based Website
- Day 097 - Web Development - An Online Shop
- Day 098 - Automation - Custom Automation
- Day 099 - Data Science - Analyzing the Space Race
- Day 100 - Data Science - Analyzing Police Brutality in the US