CanTK is a tool kit(GUI) for HTML5 canvas, it implements a full GUI system on HTML5 canvas element, includes window manager, input dispatcher, animation, controls, adapters for different platforms.
HTML5 is not good at mobile applications development. The gene of HTML is documention. It is powerful to show text, images, videos to users. But it is very weak at user interaction. HTML5 web application is little like native application when compared with web pages, but it is more like web pages when compared with native application.
CanTK draw all controls on HTML5 canvas element, so it is very easy to implement native applications look and feel.
Most of the game engines are developed base on the HTML5 Canvas Element, it is very hard to integrate HTML UI controls seamless. CanTK give the power for game engines to create complex and attractive user interface.
Open source for both free and commercial use(under LGPL).
Full GUI System, support almost all common used controls on mobile devices today.
Real native like appearance.
Better performance than tranditional HTML5 Applications.
Window animation.
Game engine integration, cocos2d, panda.js, phaser.js, pixi.js, etc.
Easy to use, you can create application with Gamebuilder(画APP吧( by drag & drop.
Easy to extension, there are several ways to extend existed controls to get different appearance or function.
Support the main stream mobile platform, iOS, android, windows phone, firefox, blackberry, tizen, etc.
Application Programming Interface
QQ Groups: html5apps