This is a tech test for the role of full stack engineer at Lithium. We are somewhat tech agnostic, so feel free to use the tools, frameworks and packages you like. Although we are quite flexible in our tech choices, the language must be TypeScript for both the front end and back end, and the front end must be either React or NextJS (or a similar React-based meta-framework). At the end of the test you will be asked to explain your choices.
Lithium are expanding our system, and would like a portal for users to log in to. Before they log in though, they will need to be able to create an account. You will therefore need to create a back end to handle account creation and logging in, and the front end to enable them to create an account and log in. Once logged in, you just need to display "Hey (user's full name)
To start the test, please make an empty repo on your own personal GitHub with this readme file in the route directory and begin building the full stack app outlined above. Pushing at different intervals in the test will help us get an idea into your process, so please aim to do this. Don't feel pressure though - at Lithium we value speed, but understand this test will need to be undertaken in your own time and around other commitments, so rest assured the time, duration and frequency of these pushes will not be taken into consideration. That said, we will expect your submission to be completed no later than 5 days after receiving it.
What we're looking for
This role will involve a fair level of independence - the right candidate will be able to own a feature from start to finish. This is why the choices of tech are left fairly open - we want to see you use your intuition and how you approach a problem.
This is a full stack role, so please aim to make your submissions look decent. That being said, this is not a design job that you are applying for, so don't spend too long making it as beautiful as it can be - just try and use our current site's branding as a guideline and have your submission feel like it belongs.
After you have completed the task, please send us a .zip file of the repo, but fill in the section below, keeping this file in the root directory:
Your name
Why did you choose the tech you did?
Don't worry about detailing every single package used, but try and justify some of your choices and your reason for making them. We want people who think in features, and how they impact the wider systems going forward, so we expect you to make reasoned decisions with intent!