
A simple application to simulate google's reCaptcha using face and hand gestures via opencv

Primary LanguagePython

Python reCaptcha

A simple application to simulate google's reCaptcha using face and hand gestures via opencv


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Getting Started

Project structure

  • reCaptcha/
    • bin/
    • resources/
    • reCaptcha.exe
    • startup.py

Launch the reCaptcha.exe to run the application


You must have Python and Pip Installed

How to run

Create a python virtual environment see documentation

$ virtualenv venv

install the dependencies. Note: don't forget to activate the virtual environment first see more

$ pip intsall -r requirements.txt

start the application

$ python startup.py



For details on how to compile to .exe executable, Please see PyInstaller Documentation


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details