
Neovim personal configuration files

Primary LanguageVim Script


Neovim personal configuration files

Requires Packer to be installed:

Packer init script from with small changes to suit my needs:

Init bootstrap from with small changes to suite my nedds:

Added coc.nvim (Conquer of Completition)

- Removed SirVer/ultisnips as it conflicts with coc.nvim.

CoC requires nodejs

installed with CoC:

:CocInstall coc-json coc-tsserver coc-css coc-html coc-html coc-html-css-support coc-java coc-pyright coc-sh

Those are the ones I use you can see more extensions here:

LiveServer requires NodeJS livserver install with

npm install -g live-server

This repo is just a backup to speed porting my settings.