
Primary LanguageJavaScript



ExpressJS and VueJS boilerplate. Using gulp-vue-single-file-component (and require.js) to compile and run vue.js SFC (.vue), and also by default using postgresql.

To use this boilerplate, you will need some globally installed npm packages (ts-node, pm2, copyfiles and javascript-obfuscator):

  • npm i -g pm2 ts-node copyfiles javascript-obfuscator

After that, just checkout this github repo:

  • git clone https://github.com/fandisus/express-vue.git your-project-name

Then go to the project folder and install the npm packages:

  • cd your-project-name
  • npm i


Then compile the src to dist using gulp, using either of:

  • npm run build
  • npm run buildProd

npm run build will compile the ts, js and vue to the dist folder without obfuscation.

npm run buildProd will compile the ts, js and vue to the dist folder with obfuscation.

After compiling the src folder, you can now run the project using pm2:

  • pm2 start compiler/ecosystem.config.js

Note that the default JET_LOGGER_MODE is FILE. So every page request will be recorded into the jet-logger.log file. If you want to observe the log using console, just change the JET_LOGGER_MODE parameter in compiler/ecosystem.config.js to CONSOLE. And then view the logs by running pm2 logs. Using CONSOLE to view the logs is the more recommended way to develop apps, since code development and server errors will also be shown there. More about jet-logger can be found in npm jet-logger.


While developing, you will need to run three commands:

  • pm2 start compiler/ecosystem.config.js to run the app in the background.
  • pm2 start compiler/ecodev.config.js which will observe all changes in src folder and copy or compile to dist folder.
  • pm2 logs to view the server logs and errors and also web access logs (if you are using jet-logger CONSOLE)

The pm2 logs will be taking your cmd as hostages. So you might want to run them in VS Code built in terminals.

After running those 3 commands, just go to browser and type localhost. Default port is 80. To change, simply change the PORT parameter in compiler/ecosystem.config.js.

It is STRONGLY ADVISED that you change the ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET parameter in compiler/ecosystem.config.js to some other random string to ensure the JWT security. It is most probably is secure though.

First time running

This boilerplate will already have a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) ready. Except that it expects:

  • PostgreSQL is already installed and running
  • The PGLOCAL PostgreSQL parameters in compiler/ecosystem.config.js is correct. And
  • The database test (or the dbname you provided in PGLOCAL) already created.

After setting up the db parameters, go to http://localhost/dev/db and copy all the commands into PostgreSQL console to create the default database tables.

Then you are good to go.

About the MVP created

Folder Structure

Editting the files