
Linux CLI Launcher official website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is the official website of t-ui (Linux CLI Launcher). You can access here.


  • create a new theme using an easy and lightweight tool
  • upload the theme, or download it as a ZIP file
  • find your favourite theme within a huge list provided by other users
  • you can sort the list by
    • Date
    • Downloads
    • Theme name
    • Author name


I'll add some features soon. This is the first stable release. Some planned features are:

  • upload a theme from t-ui
  • download a published theme as ZIP
  • edit a published theme (and download/publish it)
  • search a theme by name


There are some drawbacks coming with the new website. I'm using Heroku free plan, and so:

  • I get 1000 free dynos for one month (not a big deal)
  • My web-app goes to sleep when no one uses it for 30 minutes (not a big deal, again)
  • My app has to sleep at least 6 hourse per day (this is a big deal)

I know that it sucks, but I can't afford a paid Heroku plan unfortunately.


I'd like to thank some people, which managed the website for a long time for free.

  • Tarun Shanker Pandey
  • Alexander King

When I took the website code, it was HTML+Javascript+PHP. I wanted to try Django, so I removed some PHP and Javascript and replaced it with Python (mostly for the server-side operations).

Open source software

  • Django
  • Gunicorn
  • Postgres
  • dj-database-url
  • WhiteNoise
  • jQuery
  • jscolor
  • JSZip