Code for discordjs to find an art from scraping (
-art (art name)
- Scraping every art result with max 30 images
◀️ ,▶️ , 🔀 reaction to display other result
- Command cooldown to avoid spam
- Costomize your own thing
for your bot token (how to get it? go youtube)prefix
default is-
, you can like!
so the command will be!art
time in second until reaction stop working (to avoid overload bot)CommandCooldown
time in second, to avoid spammercooldownMessage
messages to send when the command still in cooldownEmbedColor
color of embed (click here to color generator code)
How to host :
- Install nodejs from (
- Create a folder
- Open CMD and cd to your folder (ex. : cd C:\Users\Vanez\Desktop\mybot
- Type :
- npm init -y
- npm i discord.js@13.6.0 axios cheerio
- git clone
- At config.json, change token into your bot token
- Run the bot by open (startbot.bat) file