
Example of ZeroMQ usage either with native binding library or with Akka

Primary LanguageScala

Around ZeroMQ in Scala

Paris Scala User Group #37

This project contains some little examples about how ZeroMQ can be use in Scala, either witht the direct binding, or thanks to Akka.

That project only demos pub/sub and req/rep socket type, but ZeroMQ is far reacher than that, see: http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all


That project need an installation of lib ZeroMQ on the testing machine, plus python bindings for running python programs.

It was tested with libzmq v.2.1, but it should work with more recent version (nothing fanzy is demoed here)

Project organization

  • src/main/sources/python contains two client programs for pub/sub and req/rep example. Hey, ZeroMQ is cool for trans-runtime communication!

  • src/main/sources/psug/zeromq/pubsub demoes how to use PUB/SUB pattern, either directly or with Akka.

  • src/main/source/psug/zeromq/reqrep shows how req/rep can be used to build a "ask" pattern working out of the JVM, and use it to simulate a distributed admin/nodes command executor, where an admin send command to be execute into multiple nodes (à la Salt, Ansible)


All the code in that repository is under Apache Software Licence 2.

Use it at your will ;)

About the author

Hey, I'm @fanf42, aka François Armand, working at Normation, building best of bread (and easy) automation solution for your IT and cloud, see http://rudder-project.org

Also, I'm coding in Scala since 2006 and like to participate to the PSUG - for sur, the best French Scala User group.

Cheers !