1601 |
Maximum Number of Achievable Transfer Requests |
Go |
Hard |
1600 |
Throne Inheritance |
Go |
Medium |
1599 |
Maximum Profit of Operating a Centennial Wheel |
Go |
Medium |
1598 |
Crawler Log Folder |
Go |
Easy |
1597 |
Build Binary Expression Tree From Infix Expression 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1596 |
The Most Frequently Ordered Products for Each Customer 🔒 |
Medium |
1595 |
Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points |
Go |
Hard |
1594 |
Maximum Non Negative Product in a Matrix |
Go |
Medium |
1593 |
Split a String Into the Max Number of Unique Substrings |
Go |
Medium |
1592 |
Rearrange Spaces Between Words |
Go |
Easy |
1591 |
Strange Printer II |
Go |
Hard |
1590 |
Make Sum Divisible by P |
Go |
Medium |
1589 |
Maximum Sum Obtained of Any Permutation |
Go |
Medium |
1588 |
Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays |
Go |
Easy |
1587 |
Bank Account Summary II 🔒 |
Easy |
1586 |
Binary Search Tree Iterator II 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1585 |
Check If String Is Transformable With Substring Sort Operations |
Go |
Hard |
1584 |
Min Cost to Connect All Points |
Go |
Medium |
1583 |
Count Unhappy Friends |
Go |
Medium |
1582 |
Special Positions in a Binary Matrix |
Go |
Easy |
1581 |
Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions 🔒 |
Easy |
1580 |
Put Boxes Into the Warehouse II 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1579 |
Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable |
Go |
Hard |
1578 |
Minimum Deletion Cost to Avoid Repeating Letters |
Go |
Medium |
1577 |
Number of Ways Where Square of Number Is Equal to Product of Two Numbers |
Go |
Medium |
1576 |
Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters |
Go |
Easy |
1575 |
Count All Possible Routes |
Go |
Hard |
1574 |
Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted |
Go |
Medium |
1573 |
Number of Ways to Split a String |
Go |
Medium |
1572 |
Matrix Diagonal Sum |
Go |
Easy |
1571 |
Warehouse Manager 🔒 |
Easy |
1570 |
Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1569 |
Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BST |
Go |
Hard |
1568 |
Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect Island |
Go |
Hard |
1567 |
Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product |
Go |
Medium |
1566 |
Detect Pattern of Length M Repeated K or More Times |
Go |
Easy |
1565 |
Unique Orders and Customers Per Month 🔒 |
Easy |
1564 |
Put Boxes Into the Warehouse I 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1563 |
Stone Game V |
Go |
Hard |
1562 |
Find Latest Group of Size M |
Go |
Medium |
1561 |
Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get |
Go |
Medium |
1560 |
Most Visited Sector in a Circular Track |
Go |
Easy |
1559 |
Detect Cycles in 2D Grid |
Go |
Hard |
1558 |
Minimum Numbers of Function Calls to Make Target Array |
Go |
Medium |
1557 |
Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes |
Go |
Medium |
1556 |
Thousand Separator |
Go |
Easy |
1555 |
Bank Account Summary 🔒 |
Medium |
1554 |
Strings Differ by One Character 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1553 |
Minimum Number of Days to Eat N Oranges |
Go |
Hard |
1552 |
Magnetic Force Between Two Balls |
Go |
Medium |
1551 |
Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal |
Go |
Medium |
1550 |
Three Consecutive Odds |
Go |
Easy |
1549 |
The Most Recent Orders for Each Product 🔒 |
Medium |
1548 |
The Most Similar Path in a Graph 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1547 |
Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick |
Go |
Hard |
1546 |
Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Subarrays With Sum Equals Target |
Go |
Medium |
1545 |
Find Kth Bit in Nth Binary String |
Go |
Medium |
1544 |
Make The String Great |
Go |
Easy |
1543 |
Fix Product Name Format 🔒 |
Easy |
1542 |
Find Longest Awesome Substring |
Go |
Hard |
1541 |
Minimum Insertions to Balance a Parentheses String |
Go |
Medium |
1540 |
Can Convert String in K Moves |
Go |
Medium |
1539 |
Kth Missing Positive Number |
Go |
Easy |
1538 |
Guess the Majority in a Hidden Array 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1537 |
Get the Maximum Score |
Go |
Hard |
1536 |
Minimum Swaps to Arrange a Binary Grid |
Go |
Medium |
1535 |
Find the Winner of an Array Game |
Go |
Medium |
1534 |
Count Good Triplets |
Go |
Easy |
1533 |
Find the Index of the Large Integer 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1532 |
The Most Recent Three Orders 🔒 |
Medium |
1531 |
String Compression II |
Go |
Hard |
1530 |
Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs |
Go |
Medium |
1529 |
Bulb Switcher IV |
Go |
Medium |
1528 |
Shuffle String |
Go |
Easy |
1527 |
Patients With a Condition 🔒 |
Easy |
1526 |
Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target Array |
Go |
Hard |
1525 |
Number of Good Ways to Split a String |
Go |
Medium |
1524 |
Number of Sub-arrays With Odd Sum |
Go |
Medium |
1523 |
Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range |
Go |
Easy |
1522 |
Diameter of N-Ary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1521 |
Find a Value of a Mysterious Function Closest to Target |
Go |
Hard |
1520 |
Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Substrings |
Go |
Hard |
1519 |
Number of Nodes in the Sub-Tree With the Same Label |
Go |
Medium |
1518 |
Water Bottles |
Go |
Easy |
1517 |
Find Users With Valid E-Mails 🔒 |
Easy |
1516 |
Move Sub-Tree of N-Ary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1515 |
Best Position for a Service Centre |
Go |
Hard |
1514 |
Path with Maximum Probability |
Go |
Medium |
1513 |
Number of Substrings With Only 1s |
Go |
Medium |
1512 |
Number of Good Pairs |
Go |
Easy |
1511 |
Customer Order Frequency 🔒 |
Easy |
1510 |
Stone Game IV |
Go |
Hard |
1509 |
Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves |
Go |
Medium |
1508 |
Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums |
Go |
Medium |
1507 |
Reformat Date |
Go |
Easy |
1506 |
Find Root of N-Ary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1505 |
Minimum Possible Integer After at Most K Adjacent Swaps On Digits |
Go |
Hard |
1504 |
Count Submatrices With All Ones |
Go |
Medium |
1503 |
Last Moment Before All Ants Fall Out of a Plank |
Go |
Medium |
1502 |
Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence |
Go |
Easy |
1501 |
Countries You Can Safely Invest In 🔒 |
Medium |
1500 |
Design a File Sharing System 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1499 |
Max Value of Equation |
Go |
Hard |
1498 |
Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum Condition |
Go |
Medium |
1497 |
Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by k |
Go |
Medium |
1496 |
Path Crossing |
Go |
Easy |
1495 |
Friendly Movies Streamed Last Month 🔒 |
Easy |
1494 |
Parallel Courses II |
Go |
Hard |
1493 |
Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element |
Go |
Medium |
1492 |
The kth Factor of n |
Go |
Medium |
1491 |
Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary |
Go |
Easy |
1490 |
Clone N-ary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1489 |
Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree |
Go |
Hard |
1488 |
Avoid Flood in The City |
Go |
Medium |
1487 |
Making File Names Unique |
Go |
Medium |
1486 |
XOR Operation in an Array |
Go |
Easy |
1485 |
Clone Binary Tree With Random Pointer 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1484 |
Group Sold Products By The Date 🔒 |
Easy |
1483 |
Kth Ancestor of a Tree Node |
Go |
Hard |
1482 |
Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets |
Go |
Medium |
1481 |
Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals |
Go |
Medium |
1480 |
Running Sum of 1d Array |
Go |
Easy |
1479 |
Sales by Day of the Week 🔒 |
Hard |
1478 |
Allocate Mailboxes |
Go |
Hard |
1477 |
Find Two Non-overlapping Sub-arrays Each With Target Sum |
Go |
Medium |
1476 |
Subrectangle Queries |
Go |
Medium |
1475 |
Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop |
Go |
Easy |
1474 |
Delete N Nodes After M Nodes of a Linked List 🔒 |
Go |
Easy |
1473 |
Paint House III |
Go |
Hard |
1472 |
Design Browser History |
Go |
Medium |
1471 |
The k Strongest Values in an Array |
Go |
Medium |
1470 |
Shuffle the Array |
Go |
Easy |
1469 |
Find All The Lonely Nodes 🔒 |
Go |
Easy |
1468 |
Calculate Salaries 🔒 |
Medium |
1467 |
Probability of a Two Boxes Having The Same Number of Distinct Balls |
Go |
Hard |
1466 |
Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero |
Go |
Medium |
1465 |
Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts |
Go |
Medium |
1464 |
Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array |
Go |
Easy |
1463 |
Cherry Pickup II |
Go |
Hard |
1462 |
Course Schedule IV |
Go |
Medium |
1461 |
Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K |
Go |
Medium |
1460 |
Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Sub-arrays |
Go |
Easy |
1459 |
Rectangles Area 🔒 |
Medium |
1458 |
Max Dot Product of Two Subsequences |
Go |
Hard |
1457 |
Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree |
Go |
Medium |
1456 |
Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length |
Go |
Medium |
1455 |
Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence |
Go |
Easy |
1454 |
Active Users 🔒 |
Medium |
1453 |
Maximum Number of Darts Inside of a Circular Dartboard |
Go |
Hard |
1452 |
People Whose List of Favorite Companies Is Not a Subset of Another List |
Go |
Medium |
1451 |
Rearrange Words in a Sentence |
Go |
Medium |
1450 |
Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time |
Go |
Easy |
1449 |
Form Largest Integer With Digits That Add up to Target |
Go |
Hard |
1448 |
Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree |
Go |
Medium |
1447 |
Simplified Fractions |
Go |
Medium |
1446 |
Consecutive Characters |
Go |
Easy |
1445 |
Apples & Oranges 🔒 |
Medium |
1444 |
Number of Ways of Cutting a Pizza |
Go |
Hard |
1443 |
Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree |
Go |
Medium |
1442 |
Count Triplets That Can Form Two Arrays of Equal XOR |
Go |
Medium |
1441 |
Build an Array With Stack Operations |
Go |
Easy |
1440 |
Evaluate Boolean Expression 🔒 |
Medium |
1439 |
Find the Kth Smallest Sum of a Matrix With Sorted Rows |
Go |
Hard |
1438 |
Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit |
Go |
Medium |
1437 |
Check If All 1's Are at Least Length K Places Away |
Go |
Medium |
1436 |
Destination City |
Go |
Easy |
1435 |
Create a Session Bar Chart 🔒 |
Easy |
1434 |
Number of Ways to Wear Different Hats to Each Other |
Go |
Hard |
1433 |
Check If a String Can Break Another String |
Go |
Medium |
1432 |
Max Difference You Can Get From Changing an Integer |
Go |
Medium |
1431 |
Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies |
Go |
Easy |
1430 |
Check If a String Is a Valid Sequence from Root to Leaves Path in a Binary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1429 |
First Unique Number 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1428 |
Leftmost Column with at Least a One 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1427 |
Perform String Shifts 🔒 |
Go |
Easy |
1426 |
Counting Elements 🔒 |
Go |
Easy |
1425 |
Constrained Subsequence Sum |
Go |
Hard |
1424 |
Diagonal Traverse II |
Go |
Medium |
1423 |
Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards |
Go |
Medium |
1422 |
Maximum Score After Splitting a String |
Go |
Easy |
1421 |
NPV Queries 🔒 |
Medium |
1420 |
Build Array Where You Can Find The Maximum Exactly K Comparisons |
Go |
Hard |
1419 |
Minimum Number of Frogs Croaking |
Go |
Medium |
1418 |
Display Table of Food Orders in a Restaurant |
Go |
Medium |
1417 |
Reformat The String |
Go |
Easy |
1416 |
Restore The Array |
Go |
Hard |
1415 |
The k-th Lexicographical String of All Happy Strings of Length n |
Go |
Medium |
1414 |
Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K |
Go |
Medium |
1413 |
Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum |
Go |
Easy |
1412 |
Find the Quiet Students in All Exams 🔒 |
Hard |
1411 |
Number of Ways to Paint N × 3 Grid |
Go |
Hard |
1410 |
HTML Entity Parser |
Go |
Medium |
1409 |
Queries on a Permutation With Key |
Go |
Medium |
1408 |
String Matching in an Array |
Go |
Easy |
1407 |
Top Travellers 🔒 |
Easy |
1406 |
Stone Game III |
Go |
Hard |
1405 |
Longest Happy String |
Go |
Medium |
1404 |
Number of Steps to Reduce a Number in Binary Representation to One |
Go |
Medium |
1403 |
Minimum Subsequence in Non-Increasing Order |
Go |
Easy |
1402 |
Reducing Dishes |
Go |
Hard |
1401 |
Circle and Rectangle Overlapping |
Go |
Medium |
1400 |
Construct K Palindrome Strings |
Go |
Medium |
1399 |
Count Largest Group |
Go |
Easy |
1398 |
Customers Who Bought Products A and B but Not C 🔒 |
Medium |
1397 |
Find All Good Strings |
Go |
Hard |
1396 |
Design Underground System |
Go |
Medium |
1395 |
Count Number of Teams |
Go |
Medium |
1394 |
Find Lucky Integer in an Array |
Go |
Easy |
1393 |
Capital Gain/Loss 🔒 |
Medium |
1392 |
Longest Happy Prefix |
Go |
Hard |
1391 |
Check if There is a Valid Path in a Grid |
Go |
Medium |
1390 |
Four Divisors |
Go |
Medium |
1389 |
Create Target Array in the Given Order |
Go |
Easy |
1388 |
Pizza With 3n Slices |
Go |
Hard |
1387 |
Sort Integers by The Power Value |
Go |
Medium |
1386 |
Cinema Seat Allocation |
Go |
Medium |
1385 |
Find the Distance Value Between Two Arrays |
Go |
Easy |
1384 |
Total Sales Amount by Year 🔒 |
Hard |
1383 |
Maximum Performance of a Team |
Go |
Hard |
1382 |
Balance a Binary Search Tree |
Go |
Medium |
1381 |
Design a Stack With Increment Operation |
Go |
Medium |
1380 |
Lucky Numbers in a Matrix |
Go |
Easy |
1379 |
Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree |
Go |
Medium |
1378 |
Replace Employee ID With The Unique Identifier 🔒 |
Easy |
1377 |
Frog Position After T Seconds |
Go |
Hard |
1376 |
Time Needed to Inform All Employees |
Go |
Medium |
1375 |
Bulb Switcher III |
Go |
Medium |
1374 |
Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts |
Go |
Easy |
1373 |
Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree |
Go |
Hard |
1372 |
Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree |
Go |
Medium |
1371 |
Find the Longest Substring Containing Vowels in Even Counts |
Go |
Medium |
1370 |
Increasing Decreasing String |
Go |
Easy |
1369 |
Get the Second Most Recent Activity 🔒 |
Hard |
1368 |
Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid |
Go |
Hard |
1367 |
Linked List in Binary Tree |
Go |
Medium |
1366 |
Rank Teams by Votes |
Go |
Medium |
1365 |
How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number |
Go |
Easy |
1364 |
Number of Trusted Contacts of a Customer 🔒 |
Medium |
1363 |
Largest Multiple of Three |
Go |
Hard |
1362 |
Closest Divisors |
Go |
Medium |
1361 |
Validate Binary Tree Nodes |
Go |
Medium |
1360 |
Number of Days Between Two Dates |
Go |
Easy |
1359 |
Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options |
Go |
Hard |
1358 |
Number of Substrings Containing All Three Characters |
Go |
Medium |
1357 |
Apply Discount Every n Orders |
Go |
Medium |
1356 |
Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits |
Go |
Easy |
1355 |
Activity Participants 🔒 |
Medium |
1354 |
Construct Target Array With Multiple Sums |
Go |
Hard |
1353 |
Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended |
Go |
Medium |
1352 |
Product of the Last K Numbers |
Go |
Medium |
1351 |
Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix |
Go |
Easy |
1350 |
Students With Invalid Departments 🔒 |
Easy |
1349 |
Maximum Students Taking Exam |
Go |
Hard |
1348 |
Tweet Counts Per Frequency |
Go |
Medium |
1347 |
Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram |
Go |
Medium |
1346 |
Check If N and Its Double Exist |
Go |
Easy |
1345 |
Jump Game IV |
Go |
Hard |
1344 |
Angle Between Hands of a Clock |
Go |
Medium |
1343 |
Number of Sub-arrays of Size K and Average Greater than or Equal to Threshold |
Go |
Medium |
1342 |
Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero |
Go |
Easy |
1341 |
Movie Rating 🔒 |
Medium |
1340 |
Jump Game V |
Go |
Hard |
1339 |
Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree |
Go |
Medium |
1338 |
Reduce Array Size to The Half |
Go |
Medium |
1337 |
The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix |
Go |
Easy |
1336 |
Number of Transactions per Visit 🔒 |
Hard |
1335 |
Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule |
Go |
Hard |
1334 |
Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance |
Go |
Medium |
1333 |
Filter Restaurants by Vegan-Friendly, Price and Distance |
Go |
Medium |
1332 |
Remove Palindromic Subsequences |
Go |
Easy |
1331 |
Rank Transform of an Array |
Go |
Easy |
1330 |
Reverse Subarray To Maximize Array Value |
Go |
Hard |
1329 |
Sort the Matrix Diagonally |
Go |
Medium |
1328 |
Break a Palindrome |
Go |
Medium |
1327 |
List the Products Ordered in a Period 🔒 |
Easy |
1326 |
Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden |
Go |
Hard |
1325 |
Delete Leaves With a Given Value |
Go |
Medium |
1324 |
Print Words Vertically |
Go |
Medium |
1323 |
Maximum 69 Number |
Go |
Easy |
1322 |
Ads Performance 🔒 |
Easy |
1321 |
Restaurant Growth 🔒 |
Medium |
1320 |
Minimum Distance to Type a Word Using Two Fingers |
Go |
Hard |
1319 |
Number of Operations to Make Network Connected |
Go |
Medium |
1318 |
Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c |
Go |
Medium |
1317 |
Convert Integer to the Sum of Two No-Zero Integers |
Go |
Easy |
1316 |
Distinct Echo Substrings |
Go |
Hard |
1315 |
Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued Grandparent |
Go |
Medium |
1314 |
Matrix Block Sum |
Go |
Medium |
1313 |
Decompress Run-Length Encoded List |
Go |
Easy |
1312 |
Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome |
Go |
Hard |
1311 |
Get Watched Videos by Your Friends |
Go |
Medium |
1310 |
XOR Queries of a Subarray |
Go |
Medium |
1309 |
Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping |
Go |
Easy |
1308 |
Running Total for Different Genders 🔒 |
Medium |
1307 |
Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle |
Go |
Hard |
1306 |
Jump Game III |
Go |
Medium |
1305 |
All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees |
Go |
Medium |
1304 |
Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero |
Go |
Easy |
1303 |
Find the Team Size 🔒 |
Easy |
1302 |
Deepest Leaves Sum |
Go |
Medium |
1301 |
Number of Paths with Max Score |
Go |
Hard |
1300 |
Sum of Mutated Array Closest to Target |
Go |
Medium |
1299 |
Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side |
Go |
Easy |
1298 |
Maximum Candies You Can Get from Boxes |
Go |
Hard |
1297 |
Maximum Number of Occurrences of a Substring |
Go |
Medium |
1296 |
Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers |
Go |
Medium |
1295 |
Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits |
Go |
Easy |
1294 |
Weather Type in Each Country 🔒 |
Easy |
1293 |
Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination |
Go |
Hard |
1292 |
Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to Threshold |
Go |
Medium |
1291 |
Sequential Digits |
Go |
Medium |
1290 |
Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer |
Go |
Easy |
1289 |
Minimum Falling Path Sum II |
Go |
Hard |
1288 |
Remove Covered Intervals |
Go |
Medium |
1287 |
Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array |
Go |
Easy |
1286 |
Iterator for Combination |
Go |
Medium |
1285 |
Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges 🔒 |
Medium |
1284 |
Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero Matrix |
Go |
Hard |
1283 |
Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold |
Go |
Medium |
1282 |
Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To |
Go |
Medium |
1281 |
Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer |
Go |
Easy |
1280 |
Students and Examinations 🔒 |
Easy |
1279 |
Traffic Light Controlled Intersection 🔒 |
Go |
Easy |
1278 |
Palindrome Partitioning III |
Go |
Hard |
1277 |
Count Square Submatrices with All Ones |
Go |
Medium |
1276 |
Number of Burgers with No Waste of Ingredients |
Go |
Medium |
1275 |
Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game |
Go |
Easy |
1274 |
Number of Ships in a Rectangle 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1273 |
Delete Tree Nodes 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1272 |
Remove Interval 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1271 |
Hexspeak 🔒 |
Go |
Easy |
1270 |
All People Report to the Given Manager 🔒 |
Medium |
1269 |
Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps |
Go |
Hard |
1268 |
Search Suggestions System |
Go |
Medium |
1267 |
Count Servers that Communicate |
Go |
Medium |
1266 |
Minimum Time Visiting All Points |
Go |
Easy |
1265 |
Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1264 |
Page Recommendations 🔒 |
Medium |
1263 |
Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location |
Go |
Hard |
1262 |
Greatest Sum Divisible by Three |
Go |
Medium |
1261 |
Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree |
Go |
Medium |
1260 |
Shift 2D Grid |
Go |
Easy |
1259 |
Handshakes That Don't Cross 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1258 |
Synonymous Sentences 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1257 |
Smallest Common Region 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1256 |
Encode Number 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1255 |
Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters |
Go |
Hard |
1254 |
Number of Closed Islands |
Go |
Medium |
1253 |
Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix |
Go |
Medium |
1252 |
Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix |
Go |
Easy |
1251 |
Average Selling Price 🔒 |
Easy |
1250 |
Check If It Is a Good Array |
Go |
Hard |
1249 |
Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses |
Go |
Medium |
1248 |
Count Number of Nice Subarrays |
Go |
Medium |
1247 |
Minimum Swaps to Make Strings Equal |
Go |
Medium |
1246 |
Palindrome Removal 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1245 |
Tree Diameter 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1244 |
Design A Leaderboard 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1243 |
Array Transformation 🔒 |
Go |
Easy |
1242 |
Web Crawler Multithreaded 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1241 |
Number of Comments per Post 🔒 |
Easy |
1240 |
Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares |
Go |
Hard |
1239 |
Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters |
Go |
Medium |
1238 |
Circular Permutation in Binary Representation |
Go |
Medium |
1237 |
Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given Equation |
Go |
Easy |
1236 |
Web Crawler 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1235 |
Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling |
Go |
Hard |
1234 |
Replace the Substring for Balanced String |
Go |
Medium |
1233 |
Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem |
Go |
Medium |
1232 |
Check If It Is a Straight Line |
Go |
Easy |
1231 |
Divide Chocolate 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1230 |
Toss Strange Coins 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1229 |
Meeting Scheduler 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1228 |
Missing Number In Arithmetic Progression 🔒 |
Go |
Easy |
1227 |
Airplane Seat Assignment Probability |
Go |
Medium |
1226 |
The Dining Philosophers |
Go |
Medium |
1225 |
Report Contiguous Dates 🔒 |
Hard |
1224 |
Maximum Equal Frequency |
Go |
Hard |
1223 |
Dice Roll Simulation |
Go |
Medium |
1222 |
Queens That Can Attack the King |
Go |
Medium |
1221 |
Split a String in Balanced Strings |
Go |
Easy |
1220 |
Count Vowels Permutation |
Go |
Hard |
1219 |
Path with Maximum Gold |
Go |
Medium |
1218 |
Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference |
Go |
Medium |
1217 |
Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position |
Go |
Easy |
1216 |
Valid Palindrome III 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1215 |
Stepping Numbers 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1214 |
Two Sum BSTs 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1213 |
Intersection of Three Sorted Arrays 🔒 |
Go |
Easy |
1212 |
Team Scores in Football Tournament 🔒 |
Medium |
1211 |
Queries Quality and Percentage 🔒 |
Easy |
1210 |
Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations |
Go |
Hard |
1209 |
Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II |
Go |
Medium |
1208 |
Get Equal Substrings Within Budget |
Go |
Medium |
1207 |
Unique Number of Occurrences |
Go |
Easy |
1206 |
Design Skiplist |
Go |
Hard |
1205 |
Monthly Transactions II 🔒 |
Medium |
1204 |
Last Person to Fit in the Elevator 🔒 |
Medium |
1203 |
Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies |
Go |
Hard |
1202 |
Smallest String With Swaps |
Go |
Medium |
1201 |
Ugly Number III |
Go |
Medium |