
Create an HTML page that contains a text area and a button labeled Create. When the user enters in text into the text area and then clicks the create button, create a new card element in the DOM that includes it's own delete button. You decide the height/width of the card. When the user clicks the Delete button, the containing card, and no other cards, should then be removed from the DOM. Not just made invisible, actually removed from the DOM.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



These commands are a helpful quick start. You may choose to ignore them completely and create your own directory structure. If you choose to use this recommendation, just copy the commands below and paste. It doesn't matter what directory you are currently in.

mkdir -p ~/workspace/exercises/spa/cards && cd $_
touch index.html
touch cards.js
touch cards.css


Challenge #1

  1. Create an HTML page that contains a text area and a button labeled Create.
  2. When the user enters in text into the text area and then clicks the create button, create a new card element in the DOM that includes it's own delete button. You decide the height/width of the card.
  3. Above the text on each card, there must be two input controls of type color.
  4. Above the text on each card, there must be a button element labeled Delete.
  5. When the user selects a color from the first input, then the background color of that card, and no other cards, should change to the color chosen.
  6. When the user selects a color from the second input, then the font color of that card, and no other cards, should change to the color chosen.
  7. When the user clicks the Delete button, the containing card, and no other cards, should then be removed from the DOM. Not just made invisible, actually removed from the DOM.