
A physical lock example with modern-design interface. Including Arduino lock, pure Swift macOS client, Go Server, and Vue.js Web App!

Primary LanguageC++


CommanderPass is an authenticator to verify user who has permission to access the secret files.
The project is created for building an authentication system with more secure.

Web App Example (Please use HTTP rather then HTTPS to visit.)

How to use

The things you need


  1. Arduino x 2
  2. XBee S1 x 2 (paired)
  3. 2.8' Adafruit TFT Touchscreen
  4. A Mac installed macOS 12.12+


  1. Go-lang enviroment
  2. Web Browser
  3. Cocoapod
  4. Xcode
  5. Arduino IDE

System Design



  1. Use Arduino IDE to build Sender and User code and upload to each Arduino.
  2. Use cocoapod to install frameworks.
    cd Client && pod install
  3. Use XCode to build & run.
  4. Start server.
    cd Server && go build server.go && ./server
  5. Open index.html inside Web directory.


Students from Ritsumeikan University Course: "Topic in IT 4"
Zhou Fang, Junjie Xu, Yizhe Ruan @ 2019.1