
一款简约而不失强大的 ActionSheet,微博、微信和 QQ 都采用了极其类似的样式,完全支持 Swift。

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☀️ 一款简约而不失强大的 ActionSheet,微博、微信和 QQ 都采用了极其类似的样式,完全支持 Swift。


如果上图没打开,直接前往 Demo 图地址

In me the tiger sniffs the rose.



目录 Contents

环境 Requirements

  • iOS 7.0+
  • Xcode 7.0+
  • Objective-C & Swift

介绍 Introduction

☀️ 一款简约而不失强大的 ActionSheet,微博、微信和 QQ 都采用了极其类似的样式,完全支持 Swift。

  • iOS 7.0 +,Demo 需要 CocoaPods 环境运行。

  • 格调高雅,风格百搭,看起来还算不丑。

  • 高度自定义,可能需要自定义的基本都考虑到了。详见 LCActionSheet Properties 部分。

  • 有代理,有 Block,可类方法,可实例方法,想怎样,就怎样。

  • 代理、Block 非常完善,从 will 到 did 都有,详见 LCActionSheet Delegate & Block 部分。

  • 支持统一配置 Config,作用于全局样式,告别冗余代码,更易维护,详见 V 2.7.0

  • 适配 iPad,支持横屏,支持竖屏,支持一会横屏一会竖屏,支持超长标题,理论上支持无数个按钮,统统支持。

  • 注释完整,代码风格较为良好,善意满满,便于阅读源码,照顾强迫症,拓展更多功能请前往 PR

  • 集百家之长,使用 Masonry 进行布局,感谢 Masonry

  • 就不黑状态栏,就是这么刚。 已黑。

💬 告示

英文还不错时间又充裕的同学可以帮我翻译出 README 的英文版,我好往 CocoaControls 上扔啊~

可白文翻译,使用 Markdown 编辑更佳!义务的哦,如果翻译用心的话我个人请你杯咖啡 ☕️!

直接 PR 或者发我邮箱 echo bGVvZGF4aWFAZ21haWwuY29tCg== | base64 -D 都可!

使用 Usage

  • 三种导入方法:

    • 方法一:CocoaPodspod 'LCActionSheet'

    • 方法二:Carthage (iOS 8.0+):github "iTofu/LCActionSheet"

    • 方法三:直接把 LCActionSheet 文件夹(在 Demo 中)拖拽到你的项目中

  • 在相应位置导入头文件:#import <LCActionSheet/LCActionSheet.h>,(可选)遵守协议 <LCActionSheetDelegate>

  • 调用下列任意方法即可:

    1. 默认样式,初始化 + show,两行搞定

      LCActionSheet *actionSheet = [LCActionSheet sheetWithTitle:@"Default LCActionSheet"
                                               otherButtonTitles:@"Button 1", @"Button 2", @"Button 3", nil];
      [actionSheet show];
    2. 其他可自定义项,LCActionSheet.h 中有完整注释

      LCActionSheet *actionSheet     = [[LCActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil
                                                          otherButtonTitles:@"Button 1", @"Button 2", @"Button 3", @"Button 4", @"Button 5", nil];
      actionSheet.title              = @"This is a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long title~";
      actionSheet.cancelButtonTitle  = @"Close";
      [actionSheet appendButtonTitles:@"Button 6", @"Button 7", nil];
      actionSheet.titleColor         = [UIColor orangeColor];
      actionSheet.buttonColor        = [UIColor greenColor];
      actionSheet.titleFont          = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15.0f];
      actionSheet.buttonFont         = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15.0f];
      actionSheet.buttonHeight       = 60.0f;
      actionSheet.scrolling          = YES;
      actionSheet.visibleButtonCount = 3.6f;
      actionSheet.darkViewNoTaped    = YES;
      actionSheet.unBlur             = YES;
      actionSheet.blurEffectStyle    = UIBlurEffectStyleLight;
      NSMutableIndexSet *indexSet = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init];
      [indexSet addIndex:0];
      [indexSet addIndex:2];
      actionSheet.destructiveButtonIndexSet = indexSet;
      actionSheet.destructiveButtonColor    = [UIColor blueColor];
      // V 2.7.0+
      actionSheet.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 20, 30, 40);
      // V 2.7.1+
      actionSheet.separatorColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
      // V 3.1.0+
      actionSheet.autoHideWhenDeviceRotated = YES;
      // V 3.2.4+
      actionSheet.numberOfTitleLines = 2;
      dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 2 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
          // [actionSheet appendButtonWithTitle:@"WoW" atIndex:7];
          NSMutableIndexSet *set = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init];
          [set addIndex:1];
          [set addIndex:2];
          [actionSheet appendButtonsWithTitles:@[@"Hello", @"World"] atIndexes:set];
      [actionSheet show];
    3. Block

      // Clicked callback
      LCActionSheet *actionSheet = [LCActionSheet sheetWithTitle:@"Block LCActionSheet" cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel" clicked:^(LCActionSheet *actionSheet, NSInteger buttonIndex) {
          NSLog(@"clickedButtonAtIndex: %d", (int)buttonIndex);
      } otherButtonTitles:@"Button 1", @"Button 2", @"Button 3", @"Button 4", @"Button 5", @"Button 6", nil];
      // Did dismiss callback
      LCActionSheet *actionSheet = [LCActionSheet sheetWithTitle:@"Block LCActionSheet" cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel" didDismiss:^(LCActionSheet *actionSheet, NSInteger buttonIndex) {
          NSLog(@"didDismissWithButtonIndex: %d", (int)buttonIndex);
      } otherButtonTitles:@"Button 1", @"Button 2", @"Button 3", @"Button 4", @"Button 5", @"Button 6", nil];
      // actionSheet.blurEffectStyle = UIBlurEffectStyleLight;
      actionSheet.scrolling          = YES;
      actionSheet.visibleButtonCount = 3.6f;
      actionSheet.willPresentBlock = ^(LCActionSheet *actionSheet) {
      actionSheet.didPresentBlock = ^(LCActionSheet *actionSheet) {
      actionSheet.willDismissBlock = ^(LCActionSheet *actionSheet, NSInteger buttonIndex) {
          NSLog(@"willDismissWithButtonIndex: %d", (int)buttonIndex);
      actionSheet.didDismissBlock = ^(LCActionSheet *actionSheet, NSInteger buttonIndex) {
          NSLog(@"didDismissWithButtonIndex: %d", (int)buttonIndex);
      [actionSheet show];
    4. Delegate,可选实现

      #pragma mark - LCActionSheet Delegate
      - (void)actionSheet:(LCActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
          NSLog(@"clickedButtonAtIndex: %d", (int)buttonIndex);
      - (void)willPresentActionSheet:(LCActionSheet *)actionSheet {
      - (void)didPresentActionSheet:(LCActionSheet *)actionSheet {
      - (void)actionSheet:(LCActionSheet *)actionSheet willDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
          NSLog(@"willDismissWithButtonIndex: %d", (int)buttonIndex);
      - (void)actionSheet:(LCActionSheet *)actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
          NSLog(@"didDismissWithButtonIndex: %d", (int)buttonIndex);
  • V 2.7.0+ 新增 LCActionSheetConfig 类,用来统一配置 LCActionSheet 的样式(参数)。LCActionSheetConfig 提供一个单例,你应该在首次初始化 LCActionSheet 之前配置该单例以统一配置 LCActionSheet,当然,你初始化单个 LCActionSheet 实例后,还可以对其进行可覆盖的属性设置,并且不会影响到 LCActionSheetConfig。示例代码如下:

    // 统一配置 Config 作用于全局样式, 每个属性的默认值可以在 LCActionSheetConfig 中查看
    LCActionSheetConfig *config = LCActionSheetConfig.config;
    config.title              = @"Common Title";
    config.cancelButtonTitle  = @"Close";
    config.titleColor         = [UIColor orangeColor];
    config.buttonColor        = [UIColor greenColor];
    config.titleFont          = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15.0f];
    config.buttonFont         = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15.0f];
    config.buttonHeight       = 60.0f;
    config.scrolling          = YES;
    config.visibleButtonCount = 3.6f;
    config.darkViewNoTaped    = YES;
    config.unBlur             = YES;
    config.blurEffectStyle    = UIBlurEffectStyleDark;
    NSMutableIndexSet *indexSet = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init];
    [indexSet addIndex:0];
    [indexSet addIndex:2];
    config.destructiveButtonIndexSet = indexSet;
    config.destructiveButtonColor    = [UIColor blueColor];
    // 初始化 LCActionSheet, 与之前的初始化没有区别, 框架内会根据 Config 初始化
    LCActionSheet *sheet =
    [[LCActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil
                       otherButtonTitles:@"Button 1", @"Button 2", @"Button 3", nil];
    // 如果当前样式与全局样式不同, 可以继续修改参数...
    sheet.titleColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
    [sheet show];
  • Using LCActionSheet in Swift:

    LCActionSheet(title: "Sign Out", cancelButtonTitle: "Cancel", clicked: { (actionSheet, buttonIndex) in
        if buttonIndex != actionSheet.cancelButtonIndex {
            // TODO: Enter login page...
    }, otherButtonTitleArray: ["Sign Out"]).then {
        $0.destructiveButtonIndexSet = [1]

    Syntactic sugar: Then

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注:本框架开源且不含任何信息上传功能代码,上表仅用作统计和效果参考,如果你的项目中使用了本框架并希望加入上表,请发邮件到 leodaxia@gmail.com 或者 New Issue 告诉我你的应用名称和应用链接,我会尽快添加 :)

版本 ChangeLog

V 3.5.0 (2018.05.07)

  • 增加了一些自定义设置。Thanks PR62 by shiweifu

V 3.4.0 (2017.12.11)

V 3.3.3 (2017.12.07)

  • 修复在 iOS 9 上的键盘窗口问题 —— PR52 by lhnoah

V 3.3.2 (2017.10.26)

  • 修复一个小问题 for iPhone Ⅹ —— PR49 by lhnoah

V 3.3.1 (2017.10.10)

  • 适配 iPhone Ⅹ。

V 3.3.0 (2017.09.25)

  • 新增属性 numberOfTitleLines 取代原来的 titleLinesNumber

    @interface LCActionSheetConfig : NSObject
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger titleLinesNumber;
    // ->
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger numberOfTitleLines;
    @interface LCActionSheet : NSObject
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger titleLinesNumber;
    // ->
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger numberOfTitleLines;

V 3.2.4 (2017.06.29)

  • 添加属性来控制 title 的 numberOfLines,#45 by iOSleep

    @interface LCActionSheetConfig : NSObject
    // Title can be limit in titleLinesNumber. Default is 0.
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger titleLinesNumber;
    @interface LCActionSheet : UIView
    // Title can be limit in titleLinesNumber. Default is 0.
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger titleLinesNumber;
  • 增加 Carthage 支持,#43 by devjia

V 3.2.3 (2017.06.05)

  • 修复使用 prefersStatusBarHidden 方式设置状态栏隐藏在 LCActionSheet 中未生效的问题。#42 by devjia

V 3.2.2 (2017.05.12)

  • 修复使用 preferredStatusBarStyle 方式设置状态栏样式在 LCActionSheet 中未生效的问题。#38 by LuYu001

V 3.2.1 (2017.04.28)

V 3.2.0 (2017.04.27)

  • 思来想去,还是恢复了“黑”状态栏的样式。现在 LCActionSheet 实例将会在调用 show 方法时,新建一个 UIWindow 实例并 makeKeyAndVisible,然后把 LCActionSheet 实例添加到该 UIWindow 实例之上。之前的逻辑是直接把 LCActionSheet 实例添加到 AppDelegate 的 keyWindow 上面。


  • 新增下列方法,didDismiss 回调能很方便地满足在 LCActionSheet hide 时,需要在原 keyWindow 上操作的需求:

    @interface LCActionSheet : UIView
    // Initialize an instance of LCActionSheet (Block).
    + (instancetype)sheetWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title
                 cancelButtonTitle:(nullable NSString *)cancelButtonTitle
                        didDismiss:(nullable LCActionSheetDidDismissHandler)didDismissHandler
                 otherButtonTitles:(nullable NSString *)otherButtonTitles, ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;
    // Initialize an instance of LCActionSheet with title array (Block).
    + (instancetype)sheetWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title
                 cancelButtonTitle:(nullable NSString *)cancelButtonTitle
                        didDismiss:(nullable LCActionSheetDidDismissHandler)didDismissHandler
             otherButtonTitleArray:(nullable NSArray<NSString *> *)otherButtonTitleArray;
    // Initialize an instance of LCActionSheet (Block).
    - (instancetype)initWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title
                cancelButtonTitle:(nullable NSString *)cancelButtonTitle
                       didDismiss:(nullable LCActionSheetDidDismissHandler)didDismissHandler
                otherButtonTitles:(nullable NSString *)otherButtonTitles, ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;
    // Initialize an instance of LCActionSheet with title array (Block).
    - (instancetype)initWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title
                cancelButtonTitle:(nullable NSString *)cancelButtonTitle
                       didDismiss:(nullable LCActionSheetDidDismissHandler)didDismissHandler
            otherButtonTitleArray:(nullable NSArray<NSString *> *)otherButtonTitleArray;

V 3.1.1 (2017.04.26)

  • 新增属性:

    @interface LCActionSheetConfig : NSObject
    // LCActionSheetConfig shared instance.
    @property (class, nonatomic, strong, readonly) LCActionSheetConfig *config;
  • 下列方法已不推荐使用,建议使用新的属性代替:

    @interface LCActionSheetConfig : NSObject
    // LCActionSheetConfig shared instance.
    + (instancetype)shared __deprecated_msg("Method deprecated. Use property `config` instead.");

V 3.1.0 (2017.04.26) (⚠️ API Updated)

  • 新增属性和方法:

    @interface LCActionSheet : UIView
    // Auto hide when the device rotated. Default is NO, won't auto hides.
    @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL autoHideWhenDeviceRotated;
    // Append button at index with title.
    - (void)appendButtonWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title atIndex:(NSInteger)index;
    // Append buttons at indexes with titles.
    - (void)appendButtonsWithTitles:(NSArray<NSString *> *)titles atIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes;

    #34 & #35 by cochat.

  • 修改属性类型:

    @interface LCActionSheet : UIView
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSSet<NSNumber *> *destructiveButtonIndexSet;
    // ->
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSIndexSet *destructiveButtonIndexSet;
  • 修改方法命名:

    @interface LCActionSheet : UIView
    - (void)appendButtonTitles:(nullable NSString *)buttonTitles, ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;
    // ->
    - (void)appendButtonsWithTitles:(nullable NSString *)titles, ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;

V 3.0.0 (2017.04.24) (⚠️ API Updated)

  • 修改方法命名:

    *Handle -> *Handler


    LCActionSheetClickedHandle -> LCActionSheetClickedHandler
  • 调整警示按钮默认颜色:

    RGB(255, 10, 10) -> RGB(254, 67, 37)

V 2.7.6 (2017.04.16)

  • 修复 UIImage 类别中的方法名可能与其他库冲突的潜在问题。#33 by cwwise

    @interface UIImage (LCActionSheet)
    + (nullable instancetype)imageWithColor:(UIColor *)color;
    // ->
    + (nullable instancetype)lc_imageWithColor:(UIColor *)color;
  • 修正 LCActionSheet 中部分方法的注释。

V 2.7.4 (2017.04.13)

  • 修复在 iOS 8 及以下的系统中,关闭 LCActionSheet 后旋转屏幕出现的崩溃。#32 by Amztion

V 2.7.3 (2017.04.07)

V 2.7.2 (2017.01.06)

  • 修正按钮 Title 过长时的显示,#31 by Luyu.

  • 优化了一些 UI 效果。

V 2.7.1 (2017.01.03)

  • 新年快乐~

  • 添加 separatorColor 属性,默认值 RGBA(170/255.0f, 170/255.0f, 170/255.0f, 0.5f)#30 by Abel94

    @interface LCActionSheet : UIView
    @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *separatorColor;

V 2.7.0 (2016.11.29)

  • 新增 LCActionSheetConfig 类,用来统一配置 LCActionSheet 的样式(参数),使用方式见 Usage#29 by Abel94

  • 添加 titleEdgeInsets 属性,默认值 UIEdgeInsetsMake(15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f)#29 by Abel94

    @interface LCActionSheet : UIView
    @property (nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets titleEdgeInsets;
  • 重写 LCActionSheet 初始化逻辑。

  • 重写线条和阴影效果,采用加载颜色而不是加载图片的方式。

V 2.6.3 (2016.11.28)

  • 修复 Bug:Swift 调用时,destructiveButtonIndexSet 设置无效,#28 by Abel94

V 2.6.2 (2016.11.23)

  • 修复更换按钮颜色对取消按钮失效的 Bug。

V 2.6.1 (2016.11.22)

  • 优化标题为空时的效果。

V 2.6.0 (2016.10.22)

  • 修复取消按钮不显示时 UI 上的一个 Bug。另外你可以通过设置 cancelButtonTitlenil@"" 来不显示取消按钮,这是一个 Tip,并不是一个 Feature。。。

  • 修正一些逻辑:

    • cancelButtonIndex 始终返回 0

    • 除取消按钮以外的按钮自上而下 Index 从 1 递增。也就是说,无论取消按钮是否显示,Index 0 始终会被取消按钮占有。

V 2.5.2 (2016.09.23)

  • 注: 因 CocoaPods 对 Xcode 8 的一些问题(Issue 5661Issue 5843...),暂时无法推到 CocoaPods Repo,你需要在 Podfile 进行如下的修改,直接指向当前版本即可:

    # 不需要了,作者借了个带 Xcode 7 的电脑去更新了。。。
    pod 'LCActionSheet' # , :git => 'https://github.com/iTofu/LCActionSheet.git'
  • 修复一个影响用户体验的效果,详见:Issue 25

  • 完善剩下的部分注释,主要是 Block 部分。

V 2.5.1 (2016.09.08)

  • 修复一个更换字体失效的 Bug。

V 2.5.0 (2016.09.05 ⚠️ 属性名变化)

  • 添加 cancenButtonIndex 属性,始终返回 0

    @interface LCActionSheet : UIView
    @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger cancelButtonIndex;
  • 修改 Block 属性命名:

    @interface LCActionSheet : UIView
    @property (nonatomic, copy) LCActionSheetClickedBlock     clickedBlock;
    @property (nonatomic, copy) LCActionSheetWillPresentBlock willPresentBlock;
    @property (nonatomic, copy) LCActionSheetDidPresentBlock  didPresentBlock;
    @property (nonatomic, copy) LCActionSheetWillDismissBlock willDismissBlock;
    @property (nonatomic, copy) LCActionSheetDidDismissBlock  didDismissBlock;
    // ->
    @property (nonatomic, copy) LCActionSheetClickedHandle     clickedHandle;
    @property (nonatomic, copy) LCActionSheetWillPresentHandle willPresentHandle;
    @property (nonatomic, copy) LCActionSheetDidPresentHandle  didPresentHandle;
    @property (nonatomic, copy) LCActionSheetWillDismissHandle willDismissHandle;
    @property (nonatomic, copy) LCActionSheetDidDismissHandle  didDismissHandle;

V 2.3.3 (2016.08.16)

  • 修复设置 actionSheet.unBlur = YES; 后背景透明的 Bug。

  • 完善注释,移除无用类。

V 2.3.2 (2016.08.16)

  • 可以自定义 blurEffectStyle:

    @interface LCActionSheet : UIView
    @property (nonatomic, assign) UIBlurEffectStyle blurEffectStyle;

V 2.3.1 (2016.08.15)

  • 静态渲染模糊改为模糊蒙板。

V 2.3.0 (2016.08.11)

  • 重新实现 V 1.x 的方法,允许使用数组而不必须是多参数来设置按钮标题:

    #pragma mark Delegate
    + (instancetype)sheetWithTitle:(NSString *)title
                 cancelButtonTitle:(NSString *)cancelButtonTitle
             otherButtonTitleArray:(NSArray *)otherButtonTitleArray;
    - (instancetype)initWithTitle:(NSString *)title
                cancelButtonTitle:(NSString *)cancelButtonTitle
            otherButtonTitleArray:(NSArray *)otherButtonTitleArray;
    #pragma mark Block
    + (instancetype)sheetWithTitle:(NSString *)title
                 cancelButtonTitle:(NSString *)cancelButtonTitle
             otherButtonTitleArray:(NSArray *)otherButtonTitleArray;
    - (instancetype)initWithTitle:(NSString *)title
                cancelButtonTitle:(NSString *)cancelButtonTitle
            otherButtonTitleArray:(NSArray *)otherButtonTitleArray;
  • 优化一些 UI 效果,主要是高亮状态的效果。

V 2.2.0 (2016.07.27)

V 2.1.1 (2016.07.19)

  • 完善部分注释,注明需要注明的属性的默认值。

V 2.1.0 (2016.07.19)

  • 新增自定义项,Issue 18 by IAMJ

    destructiveButtonColor // 警示按钮颜色
  • 修改一个属性命名:

    // 与 UIActionSheet 命名保持一致,便于顺手敲出
    // V 2.1.0 给予 redButtonIndexSet 过期警告,下一版本将会移除该属性
    redButtonIndexSet -> destructiveButtonIndexSet

V 2.0.0 (2016.07.16, ⚠️ Important)

  • 彻底重构整个项目,满足目前收到的所有需求,功能只多不少,依然 MIT 共享。

  • 现已加入 Masonry 豪华套餐。

V 1.2.3 (2016.04.05)

  • 更新 CocoaPods 源地址。

V 1.2.0 (2016.03.07)

  • 合并 PR by apache2046,致谢!

    Swift bug fixed

    mainBundle 这种方法无法在将 LCActionSheet 作为 Framework 时正确找到资源包路径

V 1.1.5 (2016.02.17)

  • 合并 PR by nix1024,致谢!

    Add background opacity & animation duration option


V 1.1.3 (2015.12.16)

  • 合并 PR by zachgenius,致谢!


  • V 1.1.2 被怪物吃掉了!👹

V 1.1.1 (2015.12.09)

  • 标题支持最多两行。两行时会适当调整标题的背景高度。

V 1.1.0 (2015.12.07)

  • 要 Block?满足你!

  • 优化逻辑:创建 ActionSheet 时,不再添加到 window 上。

V 1.0.6 (2015.11.09)

  • 添加对 CocoaPods 的支持:

    pod 'LCActionSheet'

V 1.0.0 (2015.07.21)

  • 修复:新添加的 _backWindow 在某些情况下导致界面无反应的BUG。——by kuanglijun312

  • 修复:当 StatusBarStyle 为 UIStatusBarStyleLightContent 时,背景不会遮挡 statusBar 的问题。——by 陈威

V 1.0.0 alpha (2015.05.05)

  • 增加了类方法,可以通过类方法实例化 actionSheet。

  • 完善部分注释。

提示 Tips

  • LCActionSheet 会被添加到新建的 UIWindow 实例之上,已适配横屏。

  • 可自定义 title、buttons、destructiveButtons、cancelButton、titleColor、titleFont、buttonColor、buttonFont、canScrolling 等等,详见 LCActionSheet.h

  • cancelButtonIndex 始终返回 0,除取消按钮以外的按钮自上而下 Index 从 1 递增。也就是说,无论取消按钮是否显示,Index 0 始终会被取消按钮占有。

  • scrolling 属性控制按钮过多时,是否可以滚动,默认 NO,不可滚动。visibleButtonCount 属性控制可见的按钮个数,可以是小数,必须先设置 scrolling = YES 才生效。tableView 的 scrollsToTop 属性依然可用,可点击状态栏快速滚回顶部。

示例 Preview

LCActionSheet LCActionSheet LCActionSheet

鸣谢 Thanks

  • Masonry

  • 海纳百川,有容乃大。感谢开源社区和众攻城狮的支持!感谢众多 IssuesPR!更期待你的 PR

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  • 有疑问或建议请 New Issue,谢谢 :)

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许可 License

LCActionSheet is released under the MIT License.