
A bot to assist with code reviews via AI

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A bot that assists with code reviews, using AI.


Install the Github app and use the following command:

/reviewbot review

This repo contains:

  • the probot service that interacts with Github
  • the reviewbot service + transformer API interactions (atm we support ChatGPT gpt-3.5-turbo)

Local Development

These steps assume you have already installed the reviewbot Github app on a repo.


There are a couple of high level steps to get local development working with ngrok.

  • Run npm run dev to start the development Probot app
  • Configure/Start ngrok
    • ngrok http 4000
  • Update the Github app settings > Webhook URL with {YOUR_NGROK_URL}


To emulate the Pub/Sub behaviour from gcloud, we can run some of the services locally.

Before running, ensure that you have followed the steps here to install the JDK & gcloud CLI tool.

  • Open a terminal and start the emulator.
    • gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --project=reviewbot --host-port=
  • Run the dev scripts
    • npm run dev:pubsub (start the pub/sub message service)

To test that everything is setup correctly. Try tagging the bot in a comment on a repo where you have it installed

  • /reviewbot review