Hola Hola

2023 What I am doing Now:

  • 🔆 I’m currently working on Survival Analysis with Jianguo and NLP with Bowen
  • 🌱 I’m working my way to be a Grandmaster in Kaggle
  • 🎻 I’m looking to collaborate on Mazas violin duet
  • 📫 How to reach me: ftan1@my.harrisburgu.edu
  • 🎨 Favorite : Rap+街舞 Street Dance of China! Jackson Yee+ Yibo Wang
  • 💎 Dream 小梦想: 我想当data science 界的网红 🙈🙈🙈
  • 💕 Quote: 我们一定会看到花海盛开🌸,等到大雁归来! 🔆

If you have a project in Machine Learning, Music, or Art, Please reach out !!!