
WechatPay is a sdk for wechat payment

Primary LanguagePython


WechatPay is a sdk for wechat pay, Before using this, you need to set up the configuration of wechat pay.

About pay, please read the wechat pay document

how to install

git clone git@github.com:fanhan/wechatpay.git

cd wechatpay
python setup.py install


pip install wechat_pay

how to get openid

how to use?

from wechatpay import WechatPay

class Pay(WechatPay):
	appid = 'your_appid'
	mch_id = 'your_mch_id'
	appSecret = 'your_appSecret'
	partnerKey = 'your_partnerKey'
	notify_url = 'your_notify_url'
	# if need cert
	cert = '/path/your_cert.pem'

# for app sdk pay
params = {
	'body': '',
	'out_trade_no': '',
	'total_fee': 1,
	'fee_type': 'CNY',
	'spbill_create_ip': ''

ret = Pay().app_pay(params)

# for qr code pay
params = {
	'body': '',
	'out_trade_no': '',
	'total_fee': 1,
	'fee_type': 'CNY',
	'spbill_create_ip': '',
	'product_id': '1111'

ret = Pay().qrcode_pay(params)

# for jsapi pay
params = {
	'body': '',
	'out_trade_no': '',
	'total_fee': 1,
	'fee_type': 'CNY',
	'spbill_create_ip': '',
	'openid': 'xxxxxx'   # from wechat service get openid

ret = Pay().jsapi_pay(params)

# for micropay
params = {
	'body': '',
	'out_trade_no': '',
	'total_fee': 1,
	'fee_type': 'CNY',
	'spbill_create_ip': '',
	'auth_code': 'xxxxxx'

ret = Pay().micropay(params)

# order query
ret = Pay().order_query(transaction_id='xxxxx') or Pay().order_query(out_trade_no='xxxx')

# order reverse
# need cert
out_trade_no = 'xxxx'
ret = Pay().order_reverse(out_trade_no)

# order refund
# need cert
params = {
	'out_order_no': 'xxxx',
	'out_refund_no': 'xxxx',
	'total_fee': 1,
	'refund_fee': 1,
ret = Pay().order_refund(params)

# refund order query
params = {
	'out_order_no': 'xxxx',
ret = Pay().refund_order_query(params)