WechatPay is a sdk for wechat pay, Before using this, you need to set up the configuration of wechat pay.
About pay, please read the wechat pay document
git clone git@github.com:fanhan/wechatpay.git
cd wechatpay
python setup.py install
pip install wechat_pay
from wechatpay import WechatPay
class Pay(WechatPay):
appid = 'your_appid'
mch_id = 'your_mch_id'
appSecret = 'your_appSecret'
partnerKey = 'your_partnerKey'
notify_url = 'your_notify_url'
# if need cert
cert = '/path/your_cert.pem'
# for app sdk pay
params = {
'body': '',
'out_trade_no': '',
'total_fee': 1,
'fee_type': 'CNY',
'spbill_create_ip': ''
ret = Pay().app_pay(params)
# for qr code pay
params = {
'body': '',
'out_trade_no': '',
'total_fee': 1,
'fee_type': 'CNY',
'spbill_create_ip': '',
'product_id': '1111'
ret = Pay().qrcode_pay(params)
# for jsapi pay
params = {
'body': '',
'out_trade_no': '',
'total_fee': 1,
'fee_type': 'CNY',
'spbill_create_ip': '',
'openid': 'xxxxxx' # from wechat service get openid
ret = Pay().jsapi_pay(params)
# for micropay
params = {
'body': '',
'out_trade_no': '',
'total_fee': 1,
'fee_type': 'CNY',
'spbill_create_ip': '',
'auth_code': 'xxxxxx'
ret = Pay().micropay(params)
# order query
ret = Pay().order_query(transaction_id='xxxxx') or Pay().order_query(out_trade_no='xxxx')
# order reverse
# need cert
out_trade_no = 'xxxx'
ret = Pay().order_reverse(out_trade_no)
# order refund
# need cert
params = {
'out_order_no': 'xxxx',
'out_refund_no': 'xxxx',
'total_fee': 1,
'refund_fee': 1,
ret = Pay().order_refund(params)
# refund order query
params = {
'out_order_no': 'xxxx',
ret = Pay().refund_order_query(params)