ViT-based Autoencoder for Field Reconstruction

1. Introduction

  • We propose a novel vision-transformer-based autoencoder (ViTAE) for field reconstruction with time-varying, sparse, and unstructured observation data.
  • Unlike traditional Gaussian process approaches (e.g., Kriging), no prior knowledge, such as covariance kernel and correlation length, is required in ViTAE.
  • Extensive numerical experiments with four test cases show the advantage of the proposed ViTAE compared to state-of-art deep learning approache.
  • We compared ViTAE to Kriging and Voronoi tessellation-assisted CNN in terms of both computational efficiency and reconstruction accuracy.

2. Environment

conda create --name vitae python=3.8
conda activate vitae

pip install torch==1.10.1+cu113 torchvision==0.11.2+cu113 -f
pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Dataset

Generating dataset according to simulation, voronoicnn and aq_highres.

Dataset Shape Source Comment
simu512 512x512 10000 sp=(0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005)
cylinder 112x192 5000 Dataset in VCNN
noaa 180x360 1914 Dataset in VCNN
PM2.5_res5km 714x1229 2922 resolution 5km
PM2.5_res10km 357x615 2922 resolution 10km
PM2.5_res20km 184x312 2922 resolution 20km

4. Training


Run the script to train ViT-AE model for Simulation, Chinese Air Quality, Unsteady wake flow and NOAA :

./scripts/simu512/    # for 512x512 stimulation dataset
./scripts/aq_highres/ # for Chinese Air Quality dataset
./scripts/noaa/       # for NOAA dataset
./scripts/cylinda/    # for unsteady wake flow dataset

5. Evaluation

Metric for evaluation as [1]: ε = L2Norm(Tgt − Tpred) / L2Norm(Tgt)

Tgt: Ground truth, Tpred: Prediction of ViTAE model or Voronoi-CNN (V-CNN) or Kriging interpolation

5.1 Simulation

Results of test data of simu512 are listed below:

Method ε ε ε ε Execution time Execution time Execution time Execution time
Kriging/RBF 0.2243 0.2221 0.2218 0.2215 21 59 191 1491
Kriging/Exp 0.2553 0.2552 0.2550 0.2379 31 76 253 1586
VCNN 0.2324 0.2259 0.2216 0.2160 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035
ViTAE-lite/16 0.2431 0.2346 0.2290 0.2242 0.0105 0.0104 0.0105 0.0106
ViTAE-base/16 0.2280 0.2369 0.2250 0.2234 0.0128 0.0127 0.0128 0.0128
ViTAE-large/16 0.2255 0.2228 0.2213 0.2202 0.0150 0.0154 0.0151 0.0153
Sampling Percent 0.5% 1% 2% 5% 0.5% 1% 2% 5%

Performances of ViTAE, VCNN and Kriging for different observation density of simulation field reconstruction.

5.2 Chinese air quality

Results of test data of Chinese air quality are listed below:

Model ε ε ε SSIM SSIM SSIM PSNR PSNR PSNR Execution time (s)
Kriging 0.8599 0.8195 0.5520 0.7788 0.8195 0.8517 24.0098 25.0369 25.8168 117.5
VCNN 0.3978 0.3527 0.3261 0.9385 0.9340 0.9321 29.7478 30.3167 30.4041 0.0063
ViTAE-lite 0.3571 0.3389 0.3245 0.9421 0.9330 0.9271 30.8184 30.8221 30.4489 0.0053
ViTAE-base 0.3570 0.3434 0.3129 0.9451 0.9366 0.9377 30.9079 30.7691 30.8588 0.0058
ViTAE-large 0.3566 0.3371 0.3205 0.9471 0.9399 0.9304 30.9466 30.9628 30.6220 0.0061
Monitor Percent 0.13% 0.52% 2.08% 0.13% 0.52% 2.08% 0.13% 0.52% 2.08% 0.13%

Performances of ViTAE, VCNN and Kriging for different observation density of Chinese air quality

5.3 Unsteady wake flow

Results of test data of Unsteady wake flow are listed below:

Model ε ε ε Execution time (s)
VCNN 0.0230 64.55 0.9988 0.0016
ViTAT-lite/8 0.0112 70.63 0.9988 0.0043
ViTAE-base/8 0.0050 77.56 0.9999 0.0050
ViTAE-large/8 0.0023 84.37 0.9988 0.0052

Performances of ViTAE and VCNN for different observation density of Unsteady wake flow

5.4 NOAA

Performances of ViTAE and NOAA for sparse observations.

NOAA field reconstruction performances of ViTAE and VCNN for various input observations.