The main functions of the repository are as follows:
- Use serial port to send cfg parameters to xWR6843
- Use DCA1000EVM_CLI_Control.exe to configure DCA1000 parameters
- Start/stop DCA1000 to collect data
- Download this repository to D:
- Create "logs" and "RadarDate" directories
- pip install requirement.txt
- modify IWR6843_PKG/configs/profile_2d.cfg (If needed), but must ensure the parameter “lvdsStreamCfg -1 0 1 0”
- modify serial port
- IWR6843 is configured as DCA1000 capture card mode
In the file "xWR6843_dataCollection\DCA1000EVM_CLI\datacard_config_recoder_raw_default.json"
- "fileBasePath": "D:\xWR6843_DCA1000_GetData\RadarData", --> "Your path."
4.1 DCA1000EVM Hardware platform and its technical documentation
- please configure it as DCA1000 mode:
S1.1~S1.12 = [OFF, ON, ON, OFF, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, ON, ON, ON]
- Please set SOP to function mode: SOP[2:0] mode is "001"
- please configure it as DCA1000 mode:
4.3 IWR6843ISK
- function mode:
S1.1~S1.6 = [OFF, ON, ON, OFF, OFF, -]
- function mode:
5. UART Driver Link
XDS110 enhanced/standard ports not found
- Enhanced COM Port Driver
- Standard COM Port Driver