Flutter Tutorial

Dart Flutter Firebase Gradle

Getting Started

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1. First App Pages.

There are 7 steps under lib/1-FirstAppPages.
run each dart file (eg: 1_hello_world.dart)

In this section, covered following items:

  • Created a Flutter app from the ground up.
  • Written Dart code.
  • Leveraged an external, third party library.
  • Used hot reload for a faster development cycle.
  • Implemented a stateful widget, adding interactivity to your app.
  • Created a lazily loaded, infinite scrolling list displayed with a ListView and ListTiles.
  • Created a route and added logic for moving between the home route and the new route.
  • Learned about changing the look of your app’s UI using Themes.

2. Build Layouts.

There are several dart files under lib/2-BuildLayoutsInFlutterPages.
Most of them are the examples from Flutter IO.

In this section, covered following items:

  • Build layout.
  • Add interactivity.
  • Container.
  • Gridview.
  • Listview.
  • Stack.
  • Card.

3. Cook Book.

There are several sections under lib/3-CookBookPages.
All of them are from Google Flutter IO. Cookbook

In this section, covered following items:

  • Design basics.
  • Images.
  • Lists.
  • Handling Gestures.
  • Navigation.
  • Animation.
  • Networking.
  • Persistence.
  • Form.

4. Sample Catalog.

There are 4 sections under lib/4-SampleCatalogPages.
All of them are from Google Flutter IO. Each sample demonstrates how a few Flutter widgets can be put together to implement a meaningful user interface. SampleCatalog

In this section, covered following items:

  • AnimatedList.
  • AppBar with bottom widget.
  • A typical AppBar with a title, actions, and an overflow dropdown menu..
  • ExpansionTiles.

5. Build Beautiful UI.

For this section, we are using Google Firebase to do a chat app. You can check the code under lib/5-BuildBeautifulUIs. Or you can check my separate repo: Flutter_Firebase_Demo

6. Others.

Anytime I saw some interesting implementation by Flutter, I will put it here. run each dart file see what has beem implemented. (eg: 3_PageView_Gradient.dart)