A semantic regex compiler for javascript
npm i semantic-regex
You may use the semantic regex to match a specific pattern, such as:
import SementicRegex from 'semantic-regex';
// if you're using node.js
// const SementicRegex = require('semantic-regex');
console.log(/[=ipv4=]/.test('')); // true
console.log(/[=ipv4=]/.test('127.0.999.1')); // false
console.log('hello 1992'.match(/[=ipv4=]/g)); // ['']
In this example, [=ipv4=]
is equivolent to (?:(?:(?:2(?:5[0-5]|[1-4]\d)|1?[1-9]?\d))(?:\.(?:(?:2(?:5[0-5]|[1-4]\d)|1?[1-9]?\d))){3})
(ipv4 regex)
You may also register your own aliases for your regex (make sure to wrap them in non-capturing group (?:)
to make your pattern quantifiable):
import { register } from 'reg-ext';
'year': /(?:[12]\d\d\d)/
console.log(/[=year=]/.test('1995')); // true
console.log(/[=year=]/.test('3995')); // false
console.log('hello 1992'.match(/[=year=]/g)); // ['1992']
// you can use those aliases combined with normal regex
console.log(/[=year=]\s[=ipv4=]/.test('1992')); // true
Add more built-in commonly-used patterns