An application that scrapes data from IMDB and adjusts IMDB ratings based on some rules.

Primary LanguagePython


An application that scrapes data from IMDB and adjusts IMDB ratings based on some rules.

Review penalizer: Compare every movie’s number of reviews to the maximum review number from the top20 and penalize each of them based on the following rule: Every 100 000 deviation from the maximum translates to a point deduction of 0.1.

Oscar calculator: increases the IMDb score with: 0.3 points if the film won 1 or 2 Oscars 0.5 points if the film won 3 to 5 Oscars 1 point if the film won 6 to 10 Oscars 1.5 points if the film won more than 10 Oscars.


Python 3.8


BeautifulSoup, datetime, math, numpy, pandas, re, urllib


Scraper, Review_penalizer, Oscar_calculator


Main site: IMDb Top 250 - https://www.imdb.com/chart/top/

Data: top 20 movies /sorted by IMDb rating/

- Title

- IMDb rating

- Number of ratings

- Number of Oscars

- IMDb ranking


get_links: get all links from an html webpage (url), which starts with a selected string (tag) - get all the links from the IMDb Top 250 page, which start with the /title tag

unique_list: reshape a list of lists to a one-dimensional list with unique values

create_soup: creating an html soup from an html site, subsite or subsites - create BeautifulSoup object for every movie's site from the Top 250 list and its 'ratings' subsite

title_scraper: get the title of the movie from a BeautifulSoup object of an IMDB site - access the h1 tag from the site with class: TitleHead

aggregate_rating_scraper: get the aggregate rating of the movie from a BeautifulSoup object of an IMDB site - access the span tag from the site with class: AggregateRating

rating_number_scraper: get the number of ratings of the movie from the BeautifulSoup object of the SUBSITE of an IMDB site, subsite: https://www.imdb.com/title....../ratings - access the div tag from the subsite with class: allText

oscar_number_scraper: get the number of Oscars of the movie from the BeautifulSoup object of the IMDB site - access the div tag from the site with class Awards__List-sc-152rtbv-1 eKsukd and find the next sibling (possible values: Won 1 Oscar, Won N Oscars, Nominated for N Oscars, Won N BAFTA Awards, Awards, Empty)

get_film_attributes: scrape the 4 attributes (title, aggregate Rating, rating Number, Oscar) for the first n (index_range) films from the link_list list - the top n films in the IMDB chart

scraper: download the link list and the top n film attributes - all the functions above in one function - write out to an Excel file

Review penalizer

Compare every movie’s number of reviews to the maximum review number from the top20 and penalize each of them based on the following rule: Every 100 000 deviation from the maximum translates to a point deduction of 0.1 - write out to an Excel file.

Oscar calculator

Increases the IMDb score with: 0.3 points if the film won 1 or 2 Oscars 0.5 points if the film won 3 to 5 Oscars 1 point if the film won 6 to 10 Oscars 1.5 points if the film won more than 10 Oscars - write out to an Excel file.

Print rating df

Scrape the top n movie and calculate the review penalizer as well as the oscar calculator, sorts the values according to the original IMDb ranking / or the review_penalized or oscar_calculated ranking/ and writes out the data frame to an Excel file