
Example Fano SCGI web application that demonstrates how to use IPv6 address

Primary LanguagePascalMIT LicenseMIT

IPv6 SCGI Fano web application example

Example SCGI web application using Fano Framework, Pascal web application framework, that demonstrates how to use IPv6 address.

This project is generated using Fano CLI command line tools to help scaffolding web application using Fano Framework.



Make sure all requirements are met. Run

$ git clone https://github.com/fanoframework/fano-ipv6.git --recursive
$ cd fano-ipv6
$ ./tools/config.setup.sh
$ ./build.sh
$ sudo fanocli --deploy-scgi=ipv6.fano --host="[::1]"
$ ./bin/app.cgi

Open internet browser and go to http://ipv6.fano. You should see application.