This is a github repo for my paper - "The relationships between social participatory roles and cognitive engagement levels in online discussions" (co-authored with Yu-Hui Chang).
This study used a multi-method approach to examine the relationship between students’ social participatory roles and cognitive engagement levels within asynchronous online discussions.
original data set (with social participatory roles) named "orig_data"" variables: vert1_id, vert2_id, message_text, SKI, MKI, DKI, SKC, MKC, DKC, week, WKI (weighted KI), WKC (weighted KC) is_reply, participatory_role
coded data set (with cognitive codes and social participatory roles) named "cog_soc_role" variables: vert1_id, SKI, MKI, DKI, WKI (weighted KI), SKC, MKC, DKC, WKC (weighted KC), week, participatory_role
Under the social interaction folder, there are social interaction files for each disscussion and the whole course.