
My study guide for the Microsoft 70-486 exam

Primary LanguageHTML


Skills measured

Design the application architecture (15-20%)

  • Plan the application layers
    • Plan data access; plan for separation of concerns, appropriate use of models, views, controllers, components, and service dependency injection; choose between client-side and server-side processing; design for scalability; choose between ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET; choose when to use .NET standard libraries
  • Design a distributed application
    • Design a hybrid application; plan for session management in a distributed environment; plan web farms; run Microsoft Azure services on-premises with Azure Pack; enable deferred processing through Azure features including queues, scheduled and on-demand jobs, Azure Functions, and Azure Web Jobs
  • Design and implement the Azure Web Apps life cycle
    • Identify and implement Start, Run, and Stop events; code against application events in applications; configure startup tasks, including IIS, app pool configuration, and third-party tools
  • Configure state management
    • Choose a state management mechanism including in-process, out of process, and Redis-based state management; plan for scalability; use cookies or local storage to maintain state; apply configuration settings in web.config files; implement sessionless state including query strings; configure middleware to enable session and application state in ASP.NET Core
  • Design a caching strategy
    • Implement page output caching and data caching; create cache profiles; implement HTTP caching; implement Azure Redis caching; plan a content delivery network (CDN) strategy, for example, Azure CDN
  • Design and implement a Web Socket strategy
    • Read and write string and binary data asynchronously; choose a connection loss strategy; decide when to use Web Sockets; implement SignalR; enable web socket features in an Azure Web App instance
  • Design a configuration management solution
    • Manage configuration sources, including XML, JSON, and INI files; manage environment variables; implement Option objects; implement multiple environments using files and hierarchical structure; manage sensitive configuration; react to runtime configuration changes; implement a custom configuration source; secure configuration by using Azure Key Vault; use the Secret Manager tool in development to keep secrets out of your code for configuration values
  • Interact with the host environment
    • Work with file system using file providers; work with environment variables; determine hosting environment capabilities; implement native components, including PInvoke and native dependencies for hosts including Linux and Windows; use ASP.NET hosting on an Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN)-based server
  • Compose an application by using the framework pipeline
    • Add custom request processing modules to the pipeline; add, remove, and configure services used in the application; design and implement middleware; design for kestrel, Http.sys web server and IIS; design and implement startup filters

Design the build and deployment architecture (10-15%)

  • Design a browser artifact build strategy
    • Design a JavaScript build pipeline using Gulp, Grunt, npm and Bower; design an artifact build strategy using Less, Sass and Font Awesome; design and implement a bundling and minification strategy for broswer artifacts, including JavaScript, CSS and images
  • Design a server build strategy
    • Manage NuGet dependencies; target runtimes, including the full .NET Framework, .NET core, and .NET standard; manage debug and release configurations, including compilation and optimization options; include or exclude files from build; manage build sources, including content, resources, and shared files; implement metadata for projects, including version, release notes, and descriptions; define other build options, including xmlDoc and warningsAsErrors; work with static files in ASP.NET core
  • Design a publishing strategy
    • Implement application publishing using dotnet.exe; manage publishing options in csproj; implement additional tooling; implement pre-publish and post-publish scripts; implement native compilation; publish to Docker container image
  • Implement an Azure deployment strategy
    • Deploy Azure Web App using supported deployment models including FTP, Kudu, Web Deploy, and Visual Studio Publishing Wizard; provision ARM- based resources while deploying applications; implement deployment environments, including dev, test, and prod in Azure; use deployment slots for staging sites; deploy to Azure Stack
  • Implement a on-premises deployment strategy
    • Deploy application to IIS using Web Deploy, xcopy, and Visual Studio Publishing Wizard; deploy application to Windows Nano Server, deploy application to IIS Hosted Web Core, deploy application to HTTP.sys web server; deploy application to Kestrel on Windows and Linux; implement reverse proxying to Kestrel using IIS and Nginx

Design the User Experience (15-20%)

  • Create elements of the user interface for a web application
    • Create and apply styles by using CSS; structure and lay out the user interface by using HTML; implement dynamic page content based on a design
  • Design and implement UI behavior
    • Implement client-side validation; use JavaScript to manipulate the DOM; extend objects by using prototypal inheritance; use AJAX to make partial page updates
  • Design the UI layout of an application
    • Implement partial views and view components for reuse in different areas of the application; design and implement pages by using Razor Pages; design and implement layouts to provide visual structure; define and render optional and required page sections; create and use tag and HTML helpers to simplify markup
  • Plan a responsive UI layout
    • Plan for applications that run on multiple devices and screen resolutions; use media queries and Bootstrap’s responsive grid; detect browser features and capabilities; create a web application that runs across multiple browsers and mobile devices; enable consistent cross-browser experiences with polyfills
  • Plan mobile UI strategy
    • Implement mobile specific UI elements such as touch input, low bandwidth situations, and device oritentation changes; define and implement a strategy for working with mobile browsers

Develop the User Experience (15-20%)

  • Plan for search engine optimization and accessibility
    • Use analytical tools to parse HTML; provide an xml sitemap and robots.txt file to improve scraping; write semantic markup for accessibility, for example, screen readers; use rich snippets to increase content visibility
  • Plan and implement globalization and localization
    • Plan a localization strategy; create and apply resources to UI including JavaScript resources; set cultures; implement server side localization and globalization
  • Design and implement MVC controllers and actions
    • Apply authorization attributes, filters including global, authentication, and overriddable filters; choose and implement custom HTTP status codes and responses; implement action results; implement MVC areas; implement Dependency Injection for services in controllers
  • Design and implement routes
    • Define a route to handle a URL pattern; apply route constraints; ignore URL patterns; add custom route parameters; define areas; define routes that interoperate with Single Page Application frameworks such as Angular
  • Control application behavior by using MVC extensibility points
    • Create custom middleware and inject it into the pipeline; implement MVC filters and controller factories; control application behavior by using action results, model binders, and route handlers; inject services into a view
  • Design and implement serialization and model binding
    • Serialize models and data using supported serialization formats, including JSON, XML, protobuf, and WCF/SOAP; implement model and property binding, including custom binding and model validation; implement web socket communication in MVC; implement file uploading and multipart data; use AutoRest to build clients

Troubleshoot and Debug Web Applications (20-25%)

  • Prevent and troubleshoot runtime issues
    • Troubleshoot performance, security, and errors; implement tracing, logging, and debugging including IntelliTrace; enable and configure health monitoring including Performance Monitor; configure and use App Insights runtime telemetry
  • Design an exception handling strategy
    • Handle exceptions across multiple layers; use MVC middleware to configure error handling; use different exception handling strategies for different environments; create and display custom error pages; configure a custom pipeline for error handling; handle first chance exceptions; configure and use App Insights; log application exceptions
  • Test a web application
    • Create and run unit tests, for example, use the Assert class, create mocks and stubs; create and run web tests including using Browser Link; debug a web application in multiple browsers and mobile emulators; use Azure DevTest Labs; use Visual Studio Team Services
  • Debug an Azure application
    • Collect diagnostic information by using Azure App Insights; choose log types, for example, event logs, performance counters, and crash dumps; stream logs directly to Visual Studio from a deployed site; debug an Azure application by using Visual Studio and remote debugging; interact directly with remote Azure websites using Server Explorer

Design and Implement Security (15-20%)

  • Configure authentication
    • Authenticate users; enforce authentication settings; implement ASP.NET Core Identity; enable Facebook, Google and other external providers; implement account confirmation, password recovery, and multi-factor authentication; perform authentication using Azure Active Directory, Azure Active Directory B2C, Azure Active Directory B2B, and Microsoft Identity manage user session by using cookies; acquire access tokens using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)
  • Configure and apply authorization
    • Create roles; authorize roles programmatically; configure and work with custom UserStores using middleware; configure controllers and actions to participate in authorization
  • Design and implement claims-based authentication
    • Perform authentication and authorization using tokens including OpenID, OAuth, JWT, SAML, bearer tokens, etc.
  • Manage data integrity
    • Apply encryption to application data; apply encryption to the configuration sections of an application; sign application data to prevent tampering; secure data using Azure Key Vault; implement encryption for data protection using the data protection APIs in transit and at rest
  • Implement a secure site
    • Secure communication by applying SSL certificates; require SSL for all requests; enable SSL hosting in the development environment; implement SSL using Azure Load Balancers; salt and hash passwords for storage; use HTML encoding to prevent cross-site scripting attacks (ANTI-XSS Library); implement deferred validation and handle unvalidated requests, for example, form, querystring, and URL; prevent SQL injection attacks by parameterizing queries; prevent cross-site request forgeries (XSRF); use Azure Security Center to monitor Azure resources; implement Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS); implement protection against open redirect attacks


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