
Best in class web3 SDK for Python 3.7+

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

thirdweb Python SDK

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Best in class Web3 SDK for Python 3.7+


pip install thirdweb-sdk

Getting Started

To start using this SDK, you just need to pass in a provider configuration.

Instantiating the SDK

Once you have all the necessary dependencies, you can follow the following setup steps to get started with the SDK read-only functions:

from thirdweb import ThirdwebSDK

# You can create a new instance of the SDK to use by just passing in a network name
sdk = ThirdwebSDK("mumbai")

The SDK supports the mainnet, rinkeby, goerli, polygon, mumbai, fantom, and avalanche networks.

Alternatively, if you want to use your own custom RPC URL, you can pass in the RPC URL directly as follows:

from thirdweb import ThirdwebSDK

# Set your RPC_URL
RPC_URL = "https://rpc-mainnet.matic.network"

# And now you can instantiate the SDK with it
sdk = ThirdwebSDK(RPC_URL)

Working With Contracts

Once you instantiate the SDK, you can use it to access your thirdweb contracts. You can use the SDK's contract getter functions like get_token, get_edition, get_nft_collection, and get_marketplace to get the respective SDK contract instances. To use an NFT Collection contract for example, you can do the following.

# Add your NFT Collection contract address here

# And you can instantiate your contract with just one line
nft_collection = sdk.get_nft_collection(NFT_COLLECTION_ADDRESS)

# Now you can use any of the read-only SDK contract functions
nfts = nft_collection.get_all()

Signing Transactions

⚠️ Never commit private keys to file tracking history, or your account could be compromised.

Meanwhile, if you want to use write functions as well and connect a signer, you can use the following setup:

from thirdweb import ThirdwebSDK
from thirdweb.types.nft import NFTMetadataInput

# Learn more about securely accessing your private key: https://portal.thirdweb.com/web3-sdk/set-up-the-sdk/securing-your-private-key
PRIVATE_KEY = "<your-private-key-here>",

# Now you can create a new instance of the SDK with your private key
sdk = ThirdwebSDK.from_private_key(PRIVATE_KEY, "mumbai")

# Instantiate a new NFT Collection contract as described above.
nft_collection = sdk.get_nft_collection(NFT_COLLECTION_ADDRESS)

# Now you can use any of the SDK contract functions including write functions
nft_collection.mint(NFTMetadataInput.from_json({ "name": "Cool NFT", "description": "Minted with the Python SDK!" }))

Development Environment

In this section, we'll go over the steps to get started with running the Python SDK repository locally and contributing to the code. If you aren't interested in contributing to the thirdweb Python SDK, you can ignore this section.

Poetry Environment Setup

If you want to work with this repository, make sure to setup Poetry, you're virtual environment, and the code styling tools.

Assuming you've installed and setup poetry, you can setup this repository with:

$ make init

Running Tests

Once you have run the initialization step, you can run the following to run all tests:

$ make test

Publishing the Package

To make a build & publish the package, you need to have a pypi account with permission to edit the thirdweb-sdk pypi package. You can authenticate your pypi account with poetry with the following command:

poetry config pypi-token.pypi pypi-token-here

Then, you can build and release a prerelease version with the following command:

make publish

Code Style Setup

Make sure you have mypy, pylint, and black installed (all included in the dev dependencies with poetry install.

If you're working in VSCode, there a few steps to get everything working with the poetry .venv:

  1. To setup poetry virtual environment inside your VSCode so it gets recognized as part of your project (import for linters), you can take the following steps from this stack overflow answer. You need to run poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true and then make sure you delete/create a new poetry env.
  2. In .vscode/settings.json, you should have the following:
  "python.linting.mypyEnabled": true,
  "python.linting.enabled": true,
  "python.linting.pylintEnabled": false
  1. Make sure to set your VSCode Python: Interpreter setting to the Python version inside your poetry virtual environment.

Generate Python ABI Wrappers

Use the abi-gen package to create the Python ABIs. You can install it with the following command:

$ npm install -g @0x/abi-gen

Assuming you have the thirdweb contract ABIs in this directory at /abi, you can run the following command to generate the necessary ABIs.

$ make abi