
Abstract: In this study, we propose a physics-informed parallel neural network for solving anisotropic elliptic interface problems, which can obtain accurate solutions both near and at the interface. We rewrite the original second-order system into a first-order system to reduce the regularity requirement of solutions by an auxiliary variable. We use different sub-networks to predict solutions in different subdomains and couple them together by loss function terms designed by the interface jump conditions. In addition, we use a piecewise loss function combining L1 norm and L2 norm to enhance the robustness of outliers. Numerical experiment verifies the accuracy and effectiveness of proposed method for solving anisotropic elliptic interface problems. Key Words: anisotropic, elliptic interface, neural network, first-order system


(1.湘潭大学 数学与计算科学学院,湖南 湘潭 411105)


Xiaohong Fan1, Huaming Yi1, Jianping Zhang1, Yujie Feng1, Yin Yang1,
(1.School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105)
Abstract: In this study, we propose a physics-informed parallel neural network for solving anisotropic elliptic interface problems, which can obtain accurate solutions both near and at the interface. We rewrite the original second-order system into a first-order system to reduce the regularity requirement of solutions by an auxiliary variable. We use different sub-networks to predict solutions in different subdomains and couple them together by loss function terms designed by the interface jump conditions. In addition, we use a piecewise loss function combining L1 norm and L2 norm to enhance the robustness of outliers. Numerical experiment verifies the accuracy and effectiveness of proposed method for solving anisotropic elliptic interface problems.
Key Words: anisotropic, elliptic interface, neural network, first-order system


图 1 提出的物理信息引导的求解各向异性椭圆界面问题的并行神经网络流程图
图 2 数值实验结果. (a) 训练采样点;(b) 测试采样点;(c) 未降低解的正则性要求且以均方差为损失的方法的误差图;(d) 本文方法的误差图。


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