English | 中文简介
🦉owlcache is a lightweight, high-performance, non-centralized, distributed Key/Value memory-cached data sharing application written by Go (used as a lightweight database in certain scenarios).
- 💡Cross-platform operation
- 🚀Single node ultra high performance
- ⛓Non-centralized, distributed
- 🌈Data concurrency security
- 🔍Support data expiration
- 🖥Key/Value Data storage
- 🎨Easy to use, only a few operating commands
- ⚔️Authentication
- 📝Logging
- 🔭Support both TCP and HTTP connections
My first thought was to implement a data sharing application that would make it very easy to build an efficient data sharing cluster. The data in the cluster, they can be owned jointly, or a node can have other nodes to obtain at any time. All data in the cluster must first be "shared" and "accessible" data.
owl🦉 is clever and cute. Their heads range from 270°🦉.
Compilation environment requirements
- golang >= 1.9
Source download
- Go command download (will automatically download the dependent library, if you directly download the source code will prompt the class library is missing)
go get -u github.com/xssed/owlcache
Open the owlcache home directory to execute the compile command
go build
- Note that the owlcache.conf file should be in the same directory as the main program
Windows (DOS)
- Note: In the Windows production environment deployment, it is found that the memory release will be relatively slow after the query request processing, and will be released within about half an hour. Linux does not have this problem, which is related to Go's internal mechanism.
Parameter help
- You can check out the help before running.
- Note that the runtime configuration parameters take precedence over the configuration parameters in the *.conf file.
owlcache -help
Welcome to use owlcache. Version:0.2
If you have any questions,Please contact us: xsser@xsser.cc
Project Home:https://github.com/xssed/owlcache
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Usage of owlcache:
-config string
owlcache config file path.[demo:/var/home/owl.conf] (default "owlcache.conf")
-host string
binding local host ip adress. (default "")
-log string
owlcache log file path.[demo:/var/log/] (default "./log_file/")
-pass string
owlcache Http connection password. (default "shi!jie9he?ping6")
Example with configuration parameter run
owlcache -config /var/home/owl.conf -host -log /var/log/ -pass 1245!df2A
get <key>
get hello
- HTTP Note: HTTP access data is not verified by password, only other operations that change data require authentication.
Request parameter | Parameter value |
cmd | get |
key | key name |
Response result example:
"Cmd": "get",
"Status": 200,
"Results": "SUCCESS",
"Key": "hello",
"Data": "world"
- Suppose there are now three owlcache services: 7721,, Each service has a data called Key called hello.
Request parameter | Parameter value |
cmd | get |
key | key name |
Response result example:
"Cmd": "get",
"Status": 200,
"Results": "SUCCESS",
"Key": "hello",
"Data": [
"Address": "",
"Data": "world7723",
"KeyCreateTime": "2019-04-10T13:43:01.6576413+08:00",
"Status": 200
"Address": "",
"Data": "world7721",
"KeyCreateTime": "2019-04-09T17:50:59.458104+08:00",
"Status": 200
"Address": "",
"Data": "world7725",
"KeyCreateTime": "2019-04-08T14:32:20.6934487+08:00",
"Status": 200
"ResponseHost": "",
"KeyCreateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
Each node data is independent. The data of the duplicate key in the cluster will not be deleted (the default cluster mode of owlcache). When querying, it will get a list of data sorted according to time, and the latest data will be displayed first.
- Email📪:xsser@xsser.cc
- Homepage🛀:https://www.xsser.cc