
Trustlessly tokenized Bitcoin on Ethereum ;)

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tBTC is a trustlessly Bitcoin-backed ERC-20 token.

The goal of the project is to provide a stronger 2-way peg than federated sidechains like Liquid, expanding use cases possible via today’s Bitcoin network, while bringing superior money to other chains.

This repo contains the Solidity smart contracts and specification.

Getting started


tBTC contracts are currently published in the NPM Registry as the package @keep-network/tbtc. Packages have versions corresponding to their network:

  • -pre packages contain prerelease packages for the internal Keep testnet.

  • -rc packages contain prerelease packages for the Ropsten Ethereum testnet.

Note that only the latest package in a series is expected to reference contracts that have a backing set of signers.

To install the package:

$ npm install @keep-network/tbtc


NOTE: tBTC contracts require solc v0.5.17 or higher. You may have to configure solc in your truffle-config.js.

Once installed, you can use the contracts in the library by importing them:

pragma solidity ^0.5.17;

import "@keep-network/tbtc/contracts/deposit/Deposit.sol";

contract MySystem {
    function checkTerm(address _depositAddress) external {
        uint256 remainingTerm = Deposit(_depositAddress).remainingTerm();


tBTC’s first 6-week audit was completed by ConsenSys Diligence on March 27, 2020, against fbb2018c41. They’ve published a detailed audit report and cryptographic review.

tBTC is currently under audit by two additional parties— Trail of Bits and an unannounced Bitcoin-focused security researcher.

Review a more focused treatment of tBTC’s security model here.

Please report any security issues you find to security@keep.network.


All contributions are welcome. To report bugs, please create an issue on this repository. To start a discussion, prefer Discord over GitHub issues.

Setup environment

You should have installed:


Clone and install dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/keep-network/tbtc
cd tbtc/solidity
npm install

Deploy contracts:

truffle migrate --reset


Tests are written in JS using Mocha.

To run the test suite, execute truffle test.

To run specific tests, add .only to the contract block:

contract.only('TBTCToken', function(accounts) {


We use ESLint and Ethlint for linting code. To run:

npm run sol:lint:fix
npm run js:lint:fix


The documentation includes a project overview and rationale, as well as the on-chain specification. Docs should always be updated before or in tandem with code.


Docs are written in AsciiDoctor, with diagrams in Mermaid.


Install the dependencies via CLI:


gem install asciidoctor-pdf --pre
brew install poppler


cd docs

# Generate index.pdf
asciidoctor-pdf index.adoc


tBTC is released under the MIT License.