The fastest dynamic Deserialization JSON library in .NET Platform.

Primary LanguageC#


The fastest dynamic Deserialization JSON library in .NET Platform.


  • Lightweight. 6 files above, 13KiB after compilation.
  • Fast dynamic Deserialization.
  • Low memory usage. CLR GC-friendly.

Getting Started

Binaries here

var json = FadeJSON.Json.FromString("{\"key\":\"123\""}");
var v = json["key"].Value; // v == 123

FadeJSON v4 only support .NET Framework 4.6.

If you are using other versions of .NET Framework, please using FadeJSON v3.


Tester and test suites can be found in FadeJson.ConsoleTests

Deserialization Performance

NetJSON is excluded because it doesn't support deserialization for dynamic object.

Time Unit is millisecond. The lower the better.

FadeJSON Jil JSON.NET SimpleJson jsonfx
auctions.json 7288 9213 15768 14872 60028
data.json 1093 1179 1284 1464 13875
data1.json 18 35 65 79 199
SkipWhitespaceTest1.json 42 142 23 120 174
TestObject.json 38 69 97 161 608
twitter.json 105 113 153 286 1342

Parse Validation

Use JSON_Checker test suites to test whether the library can identify valid and invalid JSONs. fail18.json is excluded as depth of JSON is not specified.

FadeJSON Jil JSON.NET ServiceStack.Text SimpleJson jsonfx
Passes 35/35 29/35 30/35 3/35 0/35 24/35
Percentage 100% 82.66% 85.71% 8.57% 0.00% 68.57%


MIT License