
[Completed] A school project where you can upload your best moment and you can livestream for world to know your existence. Stack: Next.js, Tailwind, Express, Sequelize, Nginx, Nginx RTMP Module, Docker

Primary LanguageHTML


Prerequisite: Docker and Installed Docker Compose and make sure port 443 and 80 are available.
Notes: This certificate using a self-signed certificate. So if your browser gives you a nottification, you can just continue it.

This platforms are build with microservice architecture, thus we're using a Docker to help us run each nodes using container. The first time you spin this platform up will going to take a long time for it to build, so be patience because there's 2 big container and 2 small container with 1 AI nodes. That being said, the AI nodes are not in this repository because it will create a big container, therefore we move it to production server first and then hit the backend to that production server.

Run it (Production)

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Make this repository as active directory
  3. Run command docker-compose up -d
  4. Open https://localhost on your browser
  5. To turn off all the services run docker-compose down --rmi all

Run it (development)

1st Method

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Make this repository as active directory
  3. Run cd backend && npm install -f && cd .. && cd frontend && npm install
  4. Run this command docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d.
    NOTE: If you're on windows please copy and paste this on your windows terminal COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1
  5. Open https://localhost on your browser
  6. To turn off all the services run docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml down

2nd Method (Easy and more Recommended)

Pre-requisite: make is installed

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Make this repository as active directory
  3. Run make dev-docker-up
  4. To turn off all services run make dev-docker-down

To see logs in realtime

If you're in development mode, you would like to see the logs in realtime in your terminal right?
Run this command to get realtime logs:

docker logs --follow [containerID]

API Docs

Postman: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/20088411/UzBsHjao