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# Bandwidth SIP Call registration

<a href="http://dev.bandwidth.com"><img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/bwdemos/BW_Voice.png"/></a>

This application implements 2 way SIP-PSTN call flow
(using PHP catapult)

What you will need:

1. A Bandwidth Catapult account
2. SIP domains enabled on your account


This application on success will create a user, domain and endpoint. Afterwards
listen to incoming and outgoing calls, using AnswerCallEvent and IncomingCallEvent,
when the calls are both found it will bridge into one call

Instructions / Howto:

Setting It Up:

To set the SIP call processor up, you will need to:

git clone  https://github.com/BandwidthExamples/php-voice-reference-app.git

update credentials.json with your own Bandwidth User Id, Token API Key and secret,
found in your catapult account settings:


check its running properly via:

php ./start.php

if all is well you should get:

"Thanks you can use the SIP Call Processing application"


Once you've inputted your credentials, you can deploy the application,
below are some instructions


you can deploy this on heroku using the attached procfile,


  heroku create "my-sip-application"
  {add and commit}
  git push heroku master

Your application should now be viewable as my-sip-applicaiton.herokuapp.com

How to use

Before using you will need to create a user, which can be done as follows:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"userName": "aUsername", "password": "aPassword" }' http://{server_url}/users  

if all goes well you will receive a json response with your
newly created user

Using this application can be done two ways:
initiate a call to your Catapult number using an outside PSTN number
initiate a call using your SIP endpoint to an outside PSTN number

Other Notes
- username can be created once, subsequent requests with the same username and different
password will result in an error

- this application will create an application for each user under the namespace,
"SIP Client Application [username]" 

- this application will only use one domain