<div align="center"> # Bandwidth SIP Call registration <a href="http://dev.bandwidth.com"><img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/bwdemos/BW_Voice.png"/></a> </div> This application implements 2 way SIP-PSTN call flow (using PHP catapult) What you will need: 1. A Bandwidth Catapult account 2. SIP domains enabled on your account Steps: This application on success will create a user, domain and endpoint. Afterwards listen to incoming and outgoing calls, using AnswerCallEvent and IncomingCallEvent, when the calls are both found it will bridge into one call Instructions / Howto: Setting It Up: ---------------------------------------------------------------- To set the SIP call processor up, you will need to: git clone https://github.com/BandwidthExamples/php-voice-reference-app.git update credentials.json with your own Bandwidth User Id, Token API Key and secret, found in your catapult account settings: Next: check its running properly via: php ./start.php if all is well you should get: "Thanks you can use the SIP Call Processing application" Deploying ============================================================== Once you've inputted your credentials, you can deploy the application, below are some instructions Heroku --------------------------------------------------------------- you can deploy this on heroku using the attached procfile, commands: heroku create "my-sip-application" {add and commit} git push heroku master Your application should now be viewable as my-sip-applicaiton.herokuapp.com How to use ----------------------------------------------------------------- Before using you will need to create a user, which can be done as follows: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"userName": "aUsername", "password": "aPassword" }' http://{server_url}/users if all goes well you will receive a json response with your newly created user Using this application can be done two ways: Inbound: initiate a call to your Catapult number using an outside PSTN number Outbound: initiate a call using your SIP endpoint to an outside PSTN number Other Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------- - username can be created once, subsequent requests with the same username and different password will result in an error - this application will create an application for each user under the namespace, "SIP Client Application [username]" - this application will only use one domain