
A simple routing library for iOS projects.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A simple routing library for iOS projects.

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Basic Usage

Define Routes

enum Route: RouteType {
    case homeTab
    case login
    case profile(withID: Int)

Create your Router

class Router: XRouter<Route> {

    /// Configure the destination view controller for the route
    override func prepareForTransition(to route: Route) throws -> UIViewController {
        switch route {
        case .homeTab:
            return container.resolve(HomeTabCoordinator.self)?.rootViewController
        case .login:
            return container.resolve(LoginFlowCoordinator.self)?.startFlow()
        case .profile(let id):
            return ProfileViewController(withID: id)


Using a Router

// Navigate to a route
router.navigate(to: .loginFlow)

// ... or open a route from a URL

Advanced Usage


XRouter also supports the RxSwift framework out of the box. Bindings exist for navigate(to:), which returns a Completable, and openURL(_:), which returns a Single<Bool>.

router.rx.navigate(to: .loginFlow) // -> Completable
router.rx.openURL(url) // -> Single<Bool>

URL Support

XRouter provides support for deep links and universal links.

You only need to do one thing to add URL support for your routes. Implement the static method registerURLs:

enum Route: RouteType {

    /* ... */

    /// Register URLs
    static func registerURLs() -> URLMatcherGroup<Route>? {
        return .group("store.example.com") {
            $0.map("products") { .allProducts }
            $0.map("user/*/logout") { .logout }

            $0.map("products/{category}/view") {
              try .products(category: $0.param("category"))

            $0.map("user/{id}/profile") {
              try .viewProfile(withID: $0.param("id"))


Here is an example with multiple hosts:

enum Route: RouteType {

    /* ... */

    /// Register URLs
    static func registerURLs() -> URLMatcherGroup<Route>? {
        return .init(matchers: [
            .group(["example.com", "store.example.com"]) {
                $0.map("products/") { .allProducts }
                $0.map("user/*/logout") { .logout }
            .group("affiliate.website.net.au") {
                $0.map("*/referral/") { .openReferral(for: $0.rawURL) }


Then you can call the openURL(_:animated:completion:) and/or continue(_ userActivity:) methods, e.g. from in your AppDelegate:

extension AppDelegate {

    /// Open URL
    func application(_ app: UIApplication,
                     open url: URL,
                     options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
        return router.openURL(url, animated: false)

    /// Continue user activity (universal links)
    func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                     continue userActivity: NSUserActivity,
                     restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
        return router.continue(userActivity)


Handling errors

If you handle all navigation errors in the same way, you can override the received(unhandledError:) method.

class Router: XRouter<Route> {

    /* ... */

    override func received(unhandledError error: Error) {
        log.error("Oh no! An error occured: \(error)")


Or you can set a custom completion handler for some individual navigation action:

router.navigate(to: .profilePage(withID: 24)) { (optionalError) in
    if let error = optionalError {
        print("Oh no, we couldn't go here because there was an error!")

Custom Transitions

Here is an example using the popular Hero Transitions library.

Set the customTransitionDelegate for the Router:

router.customTransitionDelegate = self

(Optional) Define your custom transitions as a static reference

extension RouteTransition {

    static var heroCrossFade: RouteTransition {
        return .custom(identifier: "HeroCrossFade")

Implement the delegate method performTransition(...):

extension Router: RouterCustomTransitionDelegate {

    /// Handle custom transitions
    func performTransition(to viewController: UIViewController,
                           from sourceViewController: UIViewController,
                           transition: RouteTransition,
                           animated: Bool,
                           completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?) {
        guard transition == .heroCrossFade else {
            assertionFailed("Unhandled custom transition \(transition.name)")
        sourceViewController.hero.isEnabled = true
        destViewController.hero.isEnabled = true
        destViewController.hero.modalAnimationType = .fade

        // Creates a container nav stack
        let containerNavController = UINavigationController()
        containerNavController.hero.isEnabled = true
        containerNavController.setViewControllers([newViewController], animated: false)

        // Present the hero animation
        sourceViewController.present(containerNavController, animated: animated) {


And override the transition to your custom in your Router:

    override func transition(for route: Route) -> RouteTransition {
        switch route {
            case .profile:
                return .heroCrossFade
                return .inferred


Complete documentation is available here.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run it in Xcode 10.




XRouter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'XRouter'


Reece Como, reece@hubr.io


XRouter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.