Pixbay API consumer app

Project based on react-native-template-typescript

Project decisions

  • Use thunk over saga for simplicity
  • Use redux-toolkit to reduce boilerplate
  • Don't use RTK Query to leave some challenge :)


Base dependencies


  • Go to your project's root folder and run npm install.
  • If you are using Xcode 12.5 or higher got to /ios and execute pod install --repo-update`
  • Run yarn ios or yarn android to start application!

Folder structure

This template follows a very simple project structure:

  • index.js: Entry point
  • src: Source folder
    • Root.tsx: top level providers
    • store.tsx: top level redux config
    • navigation.tsx: navigation typechecking
    • api: util functions for API integrations
    • components: shared components
    • pages: screen components
    • reducers: redux logic