
Node.JS Implementaion of ActiveXObject

Primary LanguageC++


Windows C++ Node.JS addon, that implements COM IDispatch object wrapper, analog ActiveXObject on cscript.exe


  • Using ITypeInfo for conflict resolution between property and method (for example !rs.EOF not working without type information, becose need define EOF as an object)

  • Using optional parameters on constructor call

var con = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection", {
	activate: false, // Allow activate existance object instance, false by default
	async: true, // Allow asynchronius calls, true by default (for future usage)
	type: true	// Allow using type information, true by default
  • Create COM object from JS object and may be send as argument (for example send to Excel procedure)
var com_obj = new ActiveXObject({
	text: test_value,
	obj: { params: test_value },
	arr: [ test_value, test_value, test_value ],
	func: function(v) { return v*2; }
  • Additional COM variant types support:
    • int - VT_INT
    • uint - VT_UINT
    • int8, char - VT_I1
    • uint8, uchar, byte - VT_UI1
    • int16, short - VT_I2
    • uint16, ushort - VT_UI2
    • int32 - VT_I4
    • uint32 - VT_UI4
    • int64, long - VT_I8
    • uint64, ulong - VT_UI8
    • currency - VT_CY
    • float - VT_R4
    • double - VT_R8
    • string - VT_BSTR
    • date - VT_DATE
    • decimal - VT_DECIMAL
    • variant - VT_VARIANT
    • null - VT_NULL
    • empty - VT_EMPTY
    • byref - VT_BYREF or use prefix 'p' to indicate reference to the current type
var winax = require('winax');
var Variant = winax.Variant;

// create variant instance 
var v_short = new Variant(17, 'short');
var v_short_byref = new Variant(17, 'pshort');
var v_int_byref = new Variant(17, 'byref');
var v_byref = new Variant(v_short, 'byref');

// create variant arrays
var v_array_of_variant = new Variant([1,'2',3]);
var v_array_of_short = new Variant([1,'2',3], 'short');
var v_array_of_string = new Variant([1,'2',3], 'string');	

// change variant content
var v_test = new Variant();

// also may be used cast function
var v_short_from_cast = winax.cast(17, 'short');
  • Additional dignostic propeties:
    • __id - dispatch identity, for exmplae: ADODB.Connection.@Execute.Fields
    • __value - value of dispatch object, equiles valueOf()
    • __type - list member names with their properties

Usage example

Install package throw NPM (see below Building for details)

npm install winax

Create ADO Connection throw global function

var con = new ActiveXObject('ADODB.Connection');

Or using Object prototype

var winax = require('winax');
var con = new winax.Object('ADODB.Connection');

Open connection and create simple table

con.Open('Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:\tmp;Extended Properties="DBASE IV;"', '', '');
con.Execute("Create Table persons.dbf (Name char(50), City char(50), Phone char(20), Zip decimal(5))");
con.Execute("Insert into persons.dbf Values('John', 'London','123-45-67','14589')");
con.Execute("Insert into persons.dbf Values('Andrew', 'Paris','333-44-55','38215')");
con.Execute("Insert into persons.dbf Values('Romeo', 'Rom','222-33-44','54323')");

Select query and return RecordSet object

var rs = con.Execute("Select * from persons.dbf"); 
var reccnt = rs.RecordCount;

Inspect RecordSet fields

var fields = rs.Fields;
var fldcnt = fields.Count;

Process records

while (!rs.EOF) {
	var name = fields("Name").value;
	var town = fields("City").value;
	var phone = fields("Phone").value;
	var zip = fields("Zip").value;   
	console.log("> Person: " + name + " from " + town + " phone: " + phone + " zip: " + zip);    

Or using fields by index

while (rs.EOF != false) {
	var name = fields[0].value;
	var town = fields[1].value;
	var phone = fields[2].value;
	var zip = fields[3].value;   
	console.log("> Person: " + name + " from " + town + " phone: " + phone + " zip: " + zip);    

Release COM objects (but other temporary objects may be keep references too)

winax.release(con, rs, fields)

Tutorial and Examples


This project uses Visual C++ 2013 (or later versions then support C++11 standard). Bulding also requires node-gyp and python 2.6 (or later) to be installed. You can do this with npm:

npm install -g node-gyp

To obtain and build use console commands:

git clone git://github.com/durs/node-axtivex.git
cd node-activex
node-gyp configure
node-gyp build

For Electron users, need rebuild with a different V8 version:

npm rebuild winax --runtime=electron --target=2.0.2 --disturl=https://atom.io/download/atom-shell --build-from-source

Change --target value to your electron version. See also Electron Documentation: Using Native Node Modules.


mocha is required to run unit tests.

npm install -g mocha
mocha test
