
The idea behind this tool is that you can download a Liferay page with JS portlets and remvoing the initialization.
It prepares a Liferay page for webpack.

npx lfr-js-portlet-bootstrapper


npx lfr-js-portlet-bootstrapper liferay.portlet.config.js

What does it?

It generates a public folder with the following content:

  • index.html (Indexpage for Webpack)
  • parameters.json (data all JS portlet calls)

How it works

It scans for the following attribute on a HTML-tag:

  1. If the script finds selector it copies the id and generates a json file.

Development with Webpack (Recommended)

Why Webpack and not Liferay Blade Deploy?

There are some drawbacks with the Liferay development and Vue. When you use the webpack you work around this problems.

The mains advantages are:

  1. No caching
  2. Build needs 1 sec
  3. Hotreload (reloads the page when build is finished)
  4. Vue Devtools are working
  5. Good Errormessages

How to set it up

  1. create a liferay.portlet.config.js in the root of the module.
  2. Add auth.token.check.enabled=false to the
  3. Configure your http to redirect to webpack

Example for liferay.portal.config.js

module.exports = {
  protocol: 'http',
  host: 'localhost',
  originPort: 8080,
  port: 3000,
  remove: {
    script: [],
    selector: '[id^=js-portlet-] + script'
  initCall: {
    selector: '[id^=js-portlet-] + script',
    id: 'portletElementId'

But there is also the possiblity to only give the missing values and your and the default config get merged

How to update your index.html

npx liferay-js-portlet-bootstrapper


npx liferay-js-portlet-bootstrapper liferay.portlet.config.js