The official repository for "Open Relation Extraction via Query-based Span Prediction", KSEM 2022.

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This is the official repository for "Open Relation Extraction via Query-based Span Prediction" by Huifan Yang, Da-Wei Li, Zekun Li, Donglin Yang, Jinsheng Qi and Bin Wu. The video talk and slide are available. Please cite & star this work if it is useful to you.

Our work

  • We propose a novel query-based open relation extractor QORE that utilizes a Transformers-based language model to derive a representation of the interaction between the arguments and context.
  • We carry out extensive experiments on seven datasets covering four languages, showing that QORE models significantly outperform conventional rule-based systems and the state-of-the-art method LOREM.
  • Considering the practical challenges of ORE, we investigate the zero-shot domain transferability and the few-shot learning ability of QORE. The experimental results illustrate that our models maintain high precisions when transferring or training on fewer data.

Code & Datasets

The implementation of QORE model and the used experimental datasets have been integrated into the repo of QuORE.