- GraphQL query abstraction and caching improving the performance of your app
- SSR React wrapper, allowing you to cache in browser
- Configurable caching options, giving you complete control over your cache
- Fullstack integration, leveraging client-side and server-side caching to streamline your caching strategy
- Support for the full GraphQL convention
- Optional GraphQL DoS attack mitigation security module
Obsidian is Deno's first native GraphQL caching client and server module. Boasting lightning-fast caching and fetching capabilities alongside headlining normalization and rebuilding strategies, Obsidian is equipped to support scalable, highly performant applications.
With additional support for use in server-side rendered React apps built with Deno, full stack integration of Obsidian enables a fast and flexible caching solution.
import { Application, Router } from 'https://deno.land/x/oak@v6.0.1/mod.ts';
import { ObsidianRouter, gql } from 'https://deno.land/x/obsidian/mod.ts';
import { resolvers } from './ import from your resolvers file'
import { types } from './ import your schema/types from schema/types file'
interface ObsRouter extends Router {
obsidianSchema?: any;
const GraphQLRouter = await ObsidianRouter<ObsRouter>({
typeDefs: types,
resolvers: resolvers,
redisPort: 6379, //Desired redis port
useCache: true, //Boolean to toggle all cache functionality
usePlayground: true, //Boolean to allow for graphQL playground
useQueryCache: true, //Boolean to toogle full query cache
useRebuildCache: true, //Boolean to toggle rebuilding from normalized data
customIdentifier: ["id", "__typename"]
// attach the graphql routers routes to our app
app.use(GraphQLRouter.routes(), GraphQLRouter.allowedMethods());
import { ObsidianWrapper } from 'https://deno.land/x/obsidian/clientMod.ts';
const App = () => {
return (
<MovieApp />
import { useObsidian, BrowserCache } from 'https://deno.land/x/obsidian/clientMod.ts';
const MovieApp = () => {
const { query, cache, setCache } = useObsidian();
const [movies, setMovies] = (React as any).useState('');
const queryStr = `query {
movies {
return (
onClick={() => {
.then(resp => setMovies(resp.data))
.then(resp => setCache(new BrowserCache(cache.storage)))
>Get Movies</button>
import { useObsidian, BrowserCache } from 'https://deno.land/x/obsidian/clientMod.ts';
const MovieApp = () => {
const { mutate, cache, setCache } = useObsidian();
const [movies, setMovies] = (React as any).useState('');
const queryStr = `mutation {
addMovie(input: {title: "Cruel Intentions", releaseYear: 1999, genre: "DRAMA" }) {
return (
onClick={() => {
.then(resp => setMovies(resp.data))
.then(resp => setCache(new BrowserCache(cache.storage)))
>Get Movies</button>
working demo to install locally in docker:
github for a demo with some example code to play with:
Christopher Berry
Olivia Yeghiazarian
Michael Melville
John Wong
Kyung Lee
Justin McKay
Patrick Sullivan
Cameron Simmons
Raymond Ahn
Alonso Garza
Burak Caliskan
Matt Meigs
Travis Frank
Lourent Flores
Esma Sahraoui
Derek Miller
Eric Marcatoma
Spencer Stockton