
Transport layer TCP-protocol template in which the corrupted blocks are identified and resent to the transmitter. Used with QRadioLink or GNU Radio to effeciently communicate via radio transmitters.

Primary LanguagePerlISC LicenseISC


Transport layer TCP-protocol template in which the corrupted blocks are identified and resent to the transmitter. Used with QRadioLink or GNU Radio to effeciently communicate via radio transmitters.



[  14K] transport-layer-tcp-protocol
!! [  754] LICENSE.txt
~~ [ 2.1K] README.md
~~ [  508] install.sh
++ [ 1.5K] pack.pl
++ [  694] resend.pl
++ [ 6.7K] transport-layer-tcp-protocol.pm
++ [  637] unpack.pl
++ [ 1019] unpack_auto.pl

8 files, 1 directory


git clone -q https://github.com/faraui/transport-layer-tcp-protocol.git && \
cd transport-layer-tcp-protocol && \
chmod ugo+x *.p* *.sh && \


./pack.pl file > transmit-file

file is an original file that is to be obtained by the receiver.
transmit-file is a file that is transmitted via QRadioLink or GNU Radio to attain such obtaining.

transmit-file must be stored untill the radio transmission is succesfully completed.

./unpack.pl received-file

received-file is a file where the data received by QRadioLink or GNU Radio is stored.

If the transmission was succesfull, the received-file is identical to transmit-file.
In such case, unpack.pl will decode the received-file.
In other case, unpack.pl will report on damaged blocks and create a confimed.txt file.
confirmed.txt should be obtained by the transmitter, e.g. via Telegram =)


Identical to the latter command, except this one listens infinitely and stores each received-file in received-files direcory.

Can process multiple files with different names concurrently.
GNU Radio should be configured as a client sending data to

./resend.pl transmit-file confirmed-file > resend-file

transmit-file and confirmed-file are as stated above.
resend-file is a file consisting of blocks that are to be resended to the receiver untill the received-file is identical to the resend-file