
Vuetify vue-cli 3 plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Vuetify Plugin for vue-cli@3.0


If you haven't yet installed vue-cli 3, first follow the install instructions here: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli

Tip: If you don't want to overwrite your current vue-cli because you still need vue init, then try this.

Generate a project using vue-cli 3.0

vue create my-app

Before installing the vuetify plugin, make sure to commit or stash your changes in case you need to revert

To install the vuetify plugin...

vue add vuetify

If you run into any issues you can hit us up on discord/need.

Using with other plugins

Here are some extra steps for setting up the old templates but using plugins from the new ecosystem.


# preset: default (babel, eslint)

vue add nuxt-starter-template


  • Add vuetify Nuxt starter template


Just add vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder

vue add electron-builder
vue add vuetify
yarn serve:electron


  • If you add vuetify before electron-builder, electron-builder will overwrite Vuetify's App.vue and HelloWorld.vue


  • material icons aren't properly included


If you already made a project with the PWA option selected, then just adding like above should do it.


Follow the instructions detailed in this plugin https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-cli-plugin-cordova