To Run Locally (without using docker)

npm i npm run dev

Test locally

install wscat globally npm i -g wscat then call it in terminal to connect a websocket to this server wscat -c ws://localhost:8080

To Deploy

Build a docker image docker build --tag bb_image_socket . (the tag be whatever but it's good to have a descriptive tag)

Find the docker image with docker images and identify the image name

Test it locally with docker run -p 8080:8080 [image name] -p opens up the ports for the local system

Then create an artifact repository in Google Cloud for this. You can do this from the console.

Then upload the docker image to the artifact: gcloud builds submit --region=us-central1 --tag[project name]/[repository name]/[desired name for you image]:[tag] E.g. gcloud builds submit --region=us-central1 --tag

Finally, deploy to Google Cloud Run. You can also do this from Google Cloud Console. Find the image in the artifact repository.

To Test live

Run ws cat against the cloud run service wscat -c wss://[application path] e.g. wscat -c wss://