
WChat is a group chat app developed in python using flask framework and modules on the back end as well as HTML/CSS, and JavaScript on the front end.

Primary LanguagePython


WChat is a multi-socket group chat app, developed with Python's Flask framework and modules on the backend as well as pure JavaScript and a responsive Bootstrap design on the frontend.

Link to heroku live app



First navigate through the terminal to this projects folder and enter the following command

$ python get-pip.py

Then make sure all the required modules listed iin requirements.txt file are installed on your machine. For manual installation enter the following command.

$ pip3 install moduleName

Make sure that you have install virtual environment, if not use the following command

$ pip3 install virtualenv

On your project folder enter the following commands in order to create a virtual environment.

virtualenv venv

Next, activate your virtual environment using the following command.


Install the requirements using the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Make a few adjustment on the code at application.py file:

1- Change the database secret key and url according to their comments above of them (can be found from line 10 to 17 on application.py)

# actual secret key if running on a local system => "b'0\x17\xdb\x03\xdc\x0c;ja\xecv\xb0a\xe9$\x13'"
app.secret_key = app.secret_key = os.environ.get("SECRET")

# configure database
# Actual Database url if running on a local system => "postgres://xwawslekazwoni:ba0ee8e746269e7cc8ff5804aa28c3205e0309757bb2673ffad22d793bb13b92@ec2-34-225-162-157.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/dcqg3bakntjhp"

2- Change the last line of code on application.py according to the guide below.

# remove the code below and use "socketio.run(app, debug=True)" if running on a local system


To run your project enter the following command.

python application.py

You will be directed to a registration page first.

Registration Page

After completing the registration you will be required to login with your credentials.

Login Page

Upon logging in, you will be able to use different chat rooms to talk with the online users.

Chat Room


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Future Improvements

1- The main future goal is to connect WChat to a MongoDB database in order save previous messages.

2- Another possible feature is offering users a way to connect with other users through unique username search.
