
Simple descriptive code snippets to get started with a few node concepts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


In the console pointing to the root folder of your node project type 'npm init' to get the package.json file, which will hold all the dependency info for packages, author, gir repo,etc. If ypu type 'npm init --yes' all configurations are set to default.

To integrate the packages stated in your package.json file in the project you are working currently wih type 'npm install' in the console.

When installing a new package for your project type 'npm intall package-nam --save' (to save the files locally as well) Get pacakges info from www.npmjs.com

Package semantic versioning : Example version : 'a'x.y.z x : Major version, y : Minor version, z : Patch version a : '^' - download minor update (4.x.x), '~' - download only patch updates (4.7.x), 'None' - Use only the currently stated version despite updates.